
译林版(2020) 选择性必修第一册 Unit 2 The Universal Language Reading课件(共27张PPT)

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:77次 大小:2782471Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) UNIT 2 The universal language Welcome to the unit & Reading 目录/CONTENTS 01 Teaching aims 02 Pre-reading 03 While-reading 04 Post-reading 01 Teaching aims 核心素养目标: 1. 了解电子邮件的格式及其特点。 2. 通过阅读邮件中对《梁祝》和美国乡村音乐的介绍,明白音乐是了解文化的重要途径。3. 探索其他音乐作品,并激发传播中国文化的兴趣。 02 Pre-reading Do you know them Now, please read them, and try to learn more about them! Which one do you like best What are your reasons I like the Erhu! Because it looks like gentle and graceful! Discussion-Show time What else do you know about the player of Erhu or piano Hua Yanjun: a blind artist of erhu! famous work:Moonlight on the Second Spring. ...... 03 While-reading Please read the passage fastly and try to find main idea of every paragraph. 01/Fast reading Email one: Para.1 A performance of Butterfly Lovers Para.2 The story and music of Butterfly Lovers Para.3 A great combination of western and Chinese elements in Butterfly Lovers Please read the passage fastly and try to find main idea of every paragraph. 01/Fast reading Email two: Para.1 An introduction to the country music Para.2 The history and features of the country music Para.3 A simple and peaceful life reflected in the country music Para.4 You should try to enjoy the country music Read the passage again and try to finish the following questions! 02/Careful reading 1. What is the tune of the music when Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai first meet A. Light and pleasant. B. Mild and cheerful. C. Angry and sad. D. Peaceful and heavy. A Read the passage again and try to finish the following questions! 02/Careful reading 2. Which one is false about country music in this passage A. It didn't become popular until the 1940s. B. It originated from the blues and folk music. C. Most songs are about hardship, not hope. D. Audiences can get an emotional connection with the singers. C Read the passage again and try to finish the following questions! 02/Careful reading 3. What is the purpose of writing the two emails A. To invite some foreign friends to watch a music performance. B. To recommend the music to their foreign friends. C. To show off new music in their host countries. D. To explain a phenomenon in the music scene. B 03/Work in pairs! 1.Do you know the detailed information the story between Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai They studied together, and then fell in love with each other. Unfortunately, they are torn apart by their families. Later,Liang Shanbo falls sick and dies. Then, Zhu Yingtai jumps into Liang’s grave. Luckily, they become two butterflies and fly away! 03/Work in pairs! Country originated from the blues and folk music. The tunes of the country music are simple and thoughtful. Most of the songs are full of sadness and sorrow! 2. Can you give a general introduction to the country music What else do you know about the song “Take Me Home, Country Roads” 03/Work in pairs! 04 Post-r ... ...

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