
人教版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 3 The Internet Reading and Thinking课件(共67张PPT,内镶嵌视频)

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:96次 大小:139509188Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) The Internet is a technological wonder, bringing about far-reaching changes in all aspects of our lives. We all have access to the Internet, so What do you often do on the Internet Search for information that helps me with my homework. Read about latest news. Read E-books. Keep in touch with my friends. Listen to music, watch movies or play games. Order food or book hotels. Buy or sell things. … Learning Researching Sharing Ordering… Buying… Selling… Chatting Commenting Viewing Playing listening 2) What effects do you think the internet has on your life The Internet makes my life: less stressful more colorful convenient easy and quick much busier fulfilled time-consuming … Now read the title “The Internet: a world without frontiers”. What could be discussed in this article This article might focus on the reasons why the Internet is a world without frontiers. Prediction What do you think the “frontiers” are Why is the Internet compared to “a world without frontiers” by the author The Internet has enabled people around the world to be connected at any time and in any part of the world. 感谢您使用我们的PPT模板,请在此输入您需要的文字内容 Exposition Narration C. Argumentation What is the genre of this writing The genre Task 1 感谢您使用我们的PPT模板,请在此输入您需要的文字内容 Exposition Narration C. Argumentation What is the genre of this writing thesis statement(论点) The genre Task 1 Internet: a world without frontiers(边界;边缘) While-reading Work out the main idea of each paragraph, and find out its structure. underline key words and sentences Read for the topic sentence Para. 1 Para. 5 Para. 4 Para. 3 Para. 2 Achieve almost anything in the Internet which connects people across the world to a single shared community Be quickly and easily accessible to a huge amount of information Give our lives unbelievably convenience provided by e-commerce Help us establish and maintain social ties Be aware of the problems brought by being connected, and be careful to use the Internet properly and responsibly While-reading Introduction Body Conclusion Argumentation Para. 1 Para. 5 Para. 4 Para. 3 Para. 2 Achieve almost anything in the Internet which connects people across the world to a single shared community Be quickly and easily accessible to a huge amount of information Give our lives unbelievably convenience provided by e-commerce Help us establish and maintain social ties Be aware of the problems brought by being connected, and be careful to use the Internet properly and responsibly While-reading Introduction Body Conclusion While-reading Can we change the order of Para.2, Para.3 and Para.4 cohesive devices While-reading From Para. 2 to Para. 4, what other writing techniques are used to show the advantages of the Internet clearly examples comparisons 感谢您使用我们的PPT模板,请在此输入您需要的文字内容 connect people across the world to a single shared community billions of peo ... ...

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