
北师大版(2019) 选择性必修第三册 Unit 7 Careers Check your progress 课件(共30张PPT)

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:54次 大小:3986360Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Careers Unit 7 Check Your Progress Use what you have learnt from the unit “Careers” to introduce the importance of EQ in career development, talk about job trends and career skills, and give advice on job interviews. 1. get employed_____ 2. be open to new ideas_____ 3.get on well with sb/sth_____ 4. end up doing sth_____ 5. have positive attitude towards life _____ 6.给以描述_____ 7. 误以为_____ 8. 毫无疑问 _____ 9. 做某事有困难_____ 10. 人们普遍认为_____ 11. 与…有关系 _____ 12.在…方面;从…角度_____ 13. 参与某事;涉及 _____ 14.较好地了解 _____ 15.get ahead _____ 16. react to sth_____ 17.make sure of/that_____ 18.be based on sth _____ 受雇用 愿意接受新想法 与某人相处的好; 某事进展顺利 以做某事而告终 对生活有 积极的态度 give description be mistaken in thinking there is little doubt that In terms of have problems doing sth It is generally believed that have sth to do with sth be involved in sth a better understanding of sth 获得成功,取得进步 对某事做出反应 确保 建立在…基础上 硕士学位 1. be fascinated by sth. 2. get on well with 3. be on one's way 4. apply for sth. 5. bachelor's degree 6. master's degree 对……着迷 (与某人)和睦相处,关系良好 在前往……的路上; 在……的途中 (通常以书面形式)申请;请求 学士学位 1. follow in one's footsteps 2. be unlikely to 3. out of date 4. come and go 5. throw sb. out (of…) 6. be up to you 继承某人的事业,步某人的后尘 不可能 过时的 来来往往 撵走;轰走;逐出 一切由你;你说了算 How to write an application letter stating the position applying for reasons for being interested in the job personal qualities qualifications signing off The truth is that you are the boss of your career, and it is up to you to decide what you can do and how well you can do it. 表语从句 and连接两个并列分句 and连接两个宾语从句 一切由你;你说了算 (1) Shall we eat out or stay in It's up to you. (2) I'm afraid that's not up to you. 咱们是到外面吃饭还是待在家里?你决定吧。 我怕这个并不由你说了算。 实际上,你才是自己职业生涯的老板,也只有你才能决定自己能做什么、能做多好。 Para 1 position Para 2 reasons Para 3 qualities Para 4 qualificat-ions Para 5 signing off evidence Find all the linking words. Focus on language 1. Asked what had happened, he kept silent. 2. Caught in a heavy rain, he was all wet. 3. Given more time, we would be able to do the work much better. 4. Left alone at home, the little boy didn't feel afraid at all. 5. She walked out of the house, followed by her little son. 时间 原因 条件 让步 伴随 V-ed在句中可充当时间、原因、条件、让步状语, 相当于一个状语从句。 When he was asked what had happened, he kept silent. Because he was caught in a heavy rain, he was all wet. If we were given more time, we would be able to do the work much better. Although he was left alone at home, the little boy didn't feel afraid at all. V-ed在句中可充当伴随或方式状语,相当于一个 并列句。 She walked out of the house, and she was followed by her little son. V-ed充当状语时,其逻辑主语 ... ...

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