
译林版(2020) 必修第二册 Unit 1 Lights,Camera,Action! Integrated skills课件(共60张PPT)

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:45次 大小:25332563Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Integrated skills Reviewing a film Objectives 1 2 3 4 Acquire knowledge about film review and its characteristics Analyze a film review using the new knowledge Discuss the film they would like to write about Write a film review Lead-in What films have you seen How do you know whether these films are worth watching or not Have you seen these films Choosing one film above or your favorite film to discuss Film type the director main characters whether you recommend or not the storyline the setting Discussion A film review It is _____(direct) by Jiao Zi and adapted from an ancient Chinese legend. It presents a story of fighting _____ an unfair fate. The use of ____technology makes the scenes more attractive. directed agaisnt 3D How to review a film An expert’s advice Basic information Setting and storyline Your opinion How to review a film Dos give the name of the film, the directors’ name and the names of _____(1)____ give information about when and where the film is set and what happens in the film Dos include details about the acting, characters, music or __(2)____ use lots of interesting adjectives describe __(3)___ that you think might enjoy the film main characters special effects the type of person Writing a film review How to review a film Don’ts don’t say what happens __(4)____of the film don’t make the reader ___(5)_____what you think don’t give your opinion without ___(6)___ at the end guess supporting it with examples Writing a film review Hello, everyone! I hope you'll enjoy our Film Festival and see lots of interesting films. And don't forget that you'll have to review a film at the end of the Film Festival. Now, I'd like to tell you how to write a film review. The first thing a film review needs to include is some basic information about the film. Obviously, you should give the name of the film. It's also important to provide the director's name and the names of the main actors. Second, you should give some information about the film's setting and storyline. You're supposed to say clearly when and where the film is set and what happens in the film. But you should never say what happens at the end! 听力原文 Next, you should write about your opinion of the film. Be sure to take a clear-cut stand and not to make readers guess what you think. Also, don't just give your opinion without supporting it with examples. You could include details about the acting, characters, music or special effects. Remember to use lots of interesting adjectives in this part. Finally, it's a good idea to say whether you would recommend this film or not, and to describe the type of person that you think might enjoy it. All right, let's look at an example of a film review. How to review a film Dos give the name of the film, the directors’ name and the names of _____(1)____ give information about when and where the film is set and what happens in the film Dos include details about the ac ... ...

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