
译林版(2020) 必修第一册 Unit 4 Looking Good,Feeling Good Reading课件(共66张PPT,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:36次 大小:44438482Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 新牛津译林版高中英语必修一Unit4 Looking good, feeling good Reading Teaching Aims After the class, students will be able to 1. know how to read a news report. 2. be aware of the dangers of using extreme methods to lose weight too quickly and have a more clear understanding of how to lose weight healthily. 3. adopt a healthy lifestyle and lead a healthy life. 4. know the meaning of real beauty. Lead-in Diet recipe(减肥食谱) Do you think it’s healthy Lead in Lose Weight Less junk food Do more exercise Weight-loss pills Skip meals Have plastic surgery If you are overweight, what will you do Lead-in Teen faints after skipping meals A news report. What kind of writing is the passage Pre-reading What attracts you most when you read newspaper Teen faints after skipping meals Headline (标题) Pictures Do you know the basic elements of a news report News report brief [bri f] 简短的 attractive 引人注意的 sum up the whole report How to understand a news Understanding the text Tell the most important information in the first glance; Help readers to grasp the information they want; Present the key elements of the event in brevity. Impress the readers with more concrete details. Deepen the understanding of the topic or the issue with consideration of its history, present situation etc. P46 Structure of a news report An inverted pyramid(倒金字塔) Title + The lead(导语) The body The tail Most important information Background information More detailed information Para.1 Para.2-4 Para.5-7 picture headline (title) predict Functions? A teenager fainted because he or she did not eat regularly and may be sent to hospital for treatment. tell the most important information and catch readers’ attention. An effective lead tells the readers the most important information about an event, like who, what, when, where and why. Remember to use as few words as possible in a lead. The first paragraph. The Lead 新闻导语 The most important information A teenager girl fainted yesterday at Stonechester High School after skipping meals. who what when where why past tense Para. 1 The lead Headline A Lead B The Pudong New Area, a landmark in China’s reform and opening-up policies, has undergone dramatic progress in the three decades since it was officially designated as a pilot zone for introducing new policies. who what when why where Para. 1 Para. 2-4 Para. 5-7 The layout(布局、结构) of the news report The lead More detailed information about the event Background or supporting information Jennifer Jones, 15, told friends in her class that she was feeling unwell. She then passed out in her morning PE lesson and was rushed to hospital. Para. 2 told的宾语从句 失去意识,昏迷 被紧急送往… 1.Why was she rushed to hospital 2.What’s the matter with her Is she out of danger And what does the doctor say Questions ? Because she passed out in her morning PE lesson. Jennifer was found to have dangerously low blood sugar levels ... ...

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