

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:40次 大小:10641252Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Story Continuation Writing 一.初识读后续写--是什么 读后续写:提供一段350 词以内的语言材料,要求考生根据所提供的_____和 进行续写;词数要求: ,将其发展成一篇与给定材料有逻辑衔接、情节和结构完整的短文。 材料内容 两段开头语 150 词左右 01原文一致原则 内容要前后衔接,上下连贯 03曲折性原则 故事情节应跌宕起伏,主人公会遇到困难或问题,但最终能解决。 02正能量原则 故事内容一定要正能量,弘扬社会主义核心价值观。 失败了或遇到困难了,但最终一定成功了; 吵架了但最后一定言归于好,和睦相处; 犯错了,最后一定会改过自新,重新做人等等。 续写三原则 目 录 01.Leading in(导入) 02.Read to set the tone(定主旨要义) 03.Read to plan the plots(定故事情节) 04.Read to fix the tense(定时态) 05.Write your story I Lead in Who can we get these colorful toys We can get those toys from… Growing up, we didn't have much money. Actually, we had very little. We lived in a small house with holes) in the floor. We wore old clothes and had little food. With three little mouths to feed, my daddy worked as a gatekeeper in a middle school and then farmed our own small field until dark. Daddy provided the best he could for us and mama made our clothes on her old sewing machine. We could have easily applied for welfare, but my parents wouldn't think of it. Our family was full of love and proud of hard workThen I was in the third grade, in Mrs. Harper's class. One day, Mrs. Harper brought a huge box of toys to school to give to "poor" children. Everyone was invited to bring some of his or her own toys from home to put in the box. Needless to say. I had hardly any toys of my own to offer. My eyes got big the next day when I looked into that box. It was like a dream world to me — so many colorful toys! Clearly, Mrs. Harper saw the curious look on my face, and although I never asked with a smile, she let me pick out two toys for myself from the box. I was so thankful and thought that I was the luckiest girl in the whole world!When I got home. I couldn't wait to show mama what I brought from the school. She admired the toys and asked where I got them. I told her about the box for the poor children and that Mrs. Harper had let me pick two toys from the box! Mama thought for a few seconds and said in a very sweet way, "No...no, You can't keep these two toys."Paragraph 1:Mama explained to me that those toys were for "poor" children._____Paragraph 2:Mrs. Harper said she understood what mama meant._____ II Read to get the main idea When and where, who did what for what purpose the plot(情节) line 明线: In the third grade, the author got two toys from Mrs. Harper who brought a huge box to school to give the “poor” children. key elements of a story: When Where Who What Why in Mrs. Harper’s class, the emotion(情感) line 暗线 excited-- disappointed-- ? Tips for writing: ① Keep the main idea and the writing purpose in mind when setting the tone of your writing. Why does the author write this story To remember her mon and share with ... ...

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