
人教版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 3 The Internet Reading and Thinking课件(共14张PPT)

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:79次 大小:4489587Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 The Internet Lesson 2 Reading and Thinking Stronger Together: How We Have Been Changed by the Internet 1. predict the content by looking at the headline; 2. find out the main idea and some specific information; 3. know about what changes the Internet has brought us. Learning objectives What do you usually do on the Internet download a movie/ music take online classes Lead-in 图片来自网络 图片来自网络 hail online cars book plane/train tickets What do you usually do on the Internet 图片来自网络 图片来自网络 order take-away food online shop online What do you usually do on the Internet 图片来自网络 图片来自网络 Prediction Stronger Together: How We Have Been Changed by the Internet Look at the title and discuss: (1) How many parts are in the headline (2) What do you think the text will be about (3) How do you think the writer feels about the topic Stronger Together: How We Have Been Changed by the Internet (1) How many parts are in the headline The title indicates the result and the subtitle tells us the topic of this text. The two parts convey a message -our lives have been changed by the Internet. Title Subtitle Stronger Together: How We Have Been Changed by the Internet (2) What do you think the text will be about The text will say that we have been changed a lot by the and that it has brought us . (3) How do you think the writer feels about the topic The writer feels about this topic because they say we are “stronger together”.(positive or negative) Internet together positive Reading for main ideas Paragraph 1: People's lives have been changed by . online communities and social networks Paragraph 2: How Jan started using and was helped out of her (困境). the Internet terrible situation Paragraph 3: Jan was and started to help others. inspired an IT club Paragraph 4: Jan started and set up new goals to . taking online classes make society better Paragraph 5: Jan's life has been by the Internet. greatly improved ① People's lives have been changed by the Internet. ② Jan's bad situation was changed by the Internet. ③ Jan started an IT club and helped other people. ④ Jan's tried to use the Internet to make the society better. ⑤ Jan' life has been greatly improved by the Internet. Introduction Examples Conclusion What is the structure of the text deduction and summary(总-分-总) Reading for detailed information Read the text again and find the answers to the questions below. 1. Why did Jan have to quit her job 2. What was Jan's situation at the beginning 3. In which way did the Internet benefit her 4. What can we learn from her experience 5. What is the “digital divide” 1. Why did Jan have to quit her job Jan had to quit her job because she . suddenly developed a serious illness 2. What was Jan's situation at the beginning She found herself . out of work and stuck at home with her computer to keep her company 3. In which way did the Internet benefit Jan Jan thought the In ... ...

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