
译林版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Extended reading课件(共39张PPT)

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:36次 大小:348456Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world Extended Reading (2) The Value of Science 1. _____ 从事,致力于 2. _____原子弹 3. _____ 使……处于危险之中 4. _____ 包含在,与...有关 work on put...at risk be involved in atomic bomb 1. it represented the destruction of people and it put our future at risk. (Lines3-5) risk n.危险,风险; v.使遭受危险;冒......的危险;冒险做 冒生死之险 v. _____ 冒险做... v. _____ n. _____ risk one’s life / lives risk doing run/take the risk of sth/ doing Para.1 常见短语搭配: 处境危险,在危险中 at risk 自担风险,对发生的事情负责 at one’s own risk 冒...的危险 at the risk of 1. They risk _____(lose) everything. 2. We don't want to _____the risk of losing their business. 3. He saved my life _____ losing his own. 4. Persons swimming beyond this point do so _____(冒着自身风险). 5. That would mean putting other children _____(处境危险) losing run/ take at the risk of at their own risk at risk (1) involved adj.参与,有关联;耗费很多时间,关注 be/get involved in... 参与……,与……有关;专心于…… (2) involve ①vt. 牵涉,牵连;(使)参加,加入 involve sb./oneself in (doing) sth. 使某人/某人自己参与(做)某事 ②vt. 包含,需要 involve doing sth. 包括/需要做某事 (3)involvement n. [U]参与;[U,C]投入 2. I had to ask myself, “Is there some evil involved in science ① The man said he involved himself this affair by accident not on purpose. ② Michelle found a job as a high school teacher which involved _____(spend) quite a lot of time with students. ③ As he was involved in the boring talk,he was a little annoyed. → _____,he was a little annoyed. ④ 你本不该把他牵涉进你们的争吵 (Translation)。 You shouldn’t have got him involved in your argument. in spending Involved in the boring talk 1._____ 换句话说 2._____ 致力于…… 3._____ 深思熟虑、再三思考 Para.2 put another way devote oneself to (doing)... think long and hard put (it) another way “换言之”,同义词组有: in other words that is (to say) 屠呦呦致力于中医的发展。_____. Tu Youyou devotes herself to the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine Para.3 1. _____ 具有价值 2. _____ 某物被某人所熟悉 3. _____归功于…… 4._____引导我们行善 5._____有利的力量 be of value sth. be familiar to sb. lead us to good work to the credit of... an enabling power 3. ... it is not only to the credit of science...(Line 12) credit card 信用卡 判断下列句子中credit的含义 1. They are working hard for the credit of China. 2. You must pass the examination to get credit for the course. 3. We did all the work and she gets all the credit! 4. The bank refused further credit to the company. 5. No credit is given at this shop. 6. Borrowers need to provide the credit history, which the lenders will use as the criteria when evaluating a loan. 荣誉 学分 赞扬 贷款 赊欠/赊账 信用,信誉 credit v. At the time, we used to credit everything to one person. I can credit all that you are telling me. I want to credit this to my account. 归功于 相信 记在账上 c ... ...

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