
人教版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Space Exploration Reading for Writing课件(共27张PPT)

日期:2024-06-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:36次 大小:4667616Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Reading for writing I Unit 4 Space Exploration Learning objectives reflect on the question of whether exploring space is worth the money and effort; analyse the organisation and language features of an argumentative essay; write about your opinion on space exploration. In this class, you will be able to Lead-in Look at the picture and answer: What can you see in the picture There is a powerful cyclone(气旋) called Typhoon Goni. Where do you think the picture was taken It was taken from the space by NASA satellite. Why do people take such pictures from space It can help predict the weather, protecting lives and reducing losses. Lead-in Look at the title and predict: What kind of text is it An argumentative essay. Argument essays seek to state a position on an issue and give several reasons, supported by evidence, for agreeing with that position. Lead-in Free talk: what’s your opinion Yes No Why do human explore the space Is exploring space a waste of time and money Exploring space can help us a lot... We should feed the world’s poor and find immediate solutions to other problems, such as pollution and fatal disease. 养活穷人 绝症 Read for opinions What’s the author’s point of view on this issue The author doesn’t think exploring space is a waste of time and money. Underline the sentence that states the author’s opinion in Paragraph 1. a view without serious thought 肤浅的观点、没有深思熟虑的观点 Read for structure How does author prove his/her argument Divide the whole passage into several parts. part 1(para1) Introduction part 2 (para 2-4) Body part 3 (para 5) Conclusion Read for structure and features part 1(para1) Introduction Countries around the globe are spending billions of dollars and lots of time on various space missions, whether to Mars or other planets much further away. Some people argue that we should stop wasting time and money exploring space. Instead, we should feed the world's poor and find immediate solutions to other problems, such as pollution and fatal diseases. However, others feel this is a shallow view which fail to realise how exploring space helps us. Background The thesis statement 论点 Different viewpoints Some people argue that... However, others.... Read for structure How many arguments does the author use to support his thesis statement What are they Linking words: firstly, secondly, finally They are also the topic sentence of each paragraph. Read for structure What’s the content of the rest part of each paragraph topic sentence It’s the evidence证据 that supports the arguments. Read for structure and features part 2-para2 Body Firstly, exploring space has already made a difference in the fight against world hunger.It has directly resuted in the mamy satelites that now orbit Earth. A number of the satellites record data on land and weather patterns. Then the data is transmitted to scientists on Earth. After careful analysis, the scientists can ... ...

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