
人教版(2019) 选择性必修第一册 Unit 5 Working the Land Using Language课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:31次 大小:3923373Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 Reading and Writing Do you know what is chemical farming and organic farming Chemical Farming chemical fertilizers pesticide Organic Farming natural fertilizers Reading Read for Structure and Text Type What’s the text type of this passage Exposition. The _____ and _____ of chemical farming. benefits problems What organic farming is and _____. how it keep the soil rich The _____and _____of organic farming. problem solution A. What organic farming is. B. Why man-made chemicals are still used in farming. C. Organic methods for producing rich soil. D. The problems with chemical farming Para. Main idea Detail 1-2 Pesticides can kill helpful _____. Some pesticides have been _____ because of the _____. Crops grown with chemical fertilisers usually _____ to be full of _____. 3 Many organic farmers use _____ as fertiliser. 4 They often _____ grown in each field _____. They also plant crops that use _____ of the soil to help keep it rich. 5 Organic farming is nowhere near able to meet the high _____. bacteria and insects prohibited damage they cause grow too fast nutrition natural waste from animals change the kind of crop every year different depths demand for food around the world D A C B Read for Main Idea and Details Advantages Disadvantages chemical farming organic farming fight crop disease increase production lower cost crops look beautiful outside ...... good food avoiding damage to the environment or to people's health ...... harm the land harm people’s health harm the environment crops are less in nutrition ...... cannot meet the demand for food more efforts and higher cost smelly gases ...... Find Supporting Evidence Find Useful Expressions Find Useful Expressions Paragraph Words to show transitions 1 2 3 4 5 however for example, in addition, in turn, in fact as for, but, and, as well as an alternative, for example, also also, for instance, for example, but therefore Writing Ending Beginning Body Topic sentence: In my opinion, _____farming is preferable to _____ farming because_____. Argument 1 (Topic sentence) +detail: Point 1: To begin with, _____.(Detail)_____. Point 2: What’s more, _____.(Detail)_____. Point 3: Finally,_____.(Detail)_____. Conclusion: In closing, I am fully convinced that_____. Write an argumentative essay giving your opinion on chemical or organic farming. Point 1:_____ (Detail)_____ Organic farmers also use many other methods to produce rich soil. They often change the kind of crop grown in each field every year. For instance, they may grow corn or wheat in a fieldone year, and then grow beans there the next...... For example, peanuts grow on the ground's surface, but many other vegetables put down deep roots. Argument 1 ( Topic sentence) express your opinions: In my eyes… I’m opposed to… I’d prefer… because… From my point of view,… What I firmly believe in is that… make a conclusion: In summary, In a word,… All in all,… To sum up,… Topic ... ...

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