

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:35次 大小:15626476Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2024年上学期期末质量检测试卷 七年级 英语 参考答案 听力部分 1-5 CBABC 6-10 ABCBA 11-15 BCBAA 16-20 CBCAB 阅读理解 21-23 CBA 24-27 BCAB 28-31 BAAC 32-35 CEAD 第三部分 语言运用 36-40 ACBCA 41-45 ACBBC a 47. me 48. are 49. play 50. finished is teaching 52. easily 53. from 54. or 55. gifts 综合技能 Because it's raining all day. 2. Sunny weather. 而且我希望在那天和我的朋友们在外面玩。 Everyone is having a great time. 略2024年上学期期末质量检测试卷 ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ 七年级英语 ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ 第一部分听力部分(共两部分,20小题,每小题1分;共20分,每段材料读两遍) ※※※※※※ 第一节听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项 ※※※※※※ 中选出最佳选项。 ※※※※※※ ( )1.What is Peter's favorite animal ※※※※※※ A.Pandas B.Lions. C.Tigers. ※※※※※※ ※※※※米※ )2.What time does Jim get up in the morning 4.6:00. B.6±30. C.6:45. 学 校 )3.Where did the girl go A.To the mountains. B.To the beach. C.To the summer camp. )4.What can the boy do after school A.Play with his friends. B.Do his homework 班 级 C.Take a walk )5.Who is Jim with in the photo A.A boy. B.A girl. C.An old woman. 第二节听下面6段对话或独白,每段对话后各有几个问题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 姓 名 听下面一段对话,回答第6~7小题。 )6.What is John good at A.Painting. B.Writing. C.Skating. )7.Who wants to be a doctor A.Mary. B.Kitty. C.John. 号 听下面一段对话,回答第8~9小题。 )8.How was Anne's holiday A.Interesting. B.Boring. C.Wonderful )9.How did Anne get to Kunming A.By car. B.By plane. C.By train. ※※※※※※ 听下面一段对话,回答第10-11小题。 ※※※※※※ )10.What is Tom doing now ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ A.Visiting his cousin. B.Listening to a CD. C.Washing his clothes. ※※米※兴※ )11.Where is Lucy ※※※※兴※ A.In Changsha. B.In Chongqing. C.In Guangzhou. ※※※※※※ 听下面一段对话,回答第12~14小题。 ※※※※※※ )12.Which actress does the boy like in the film ※※※※※※ A.The one with big eyes. B.The one with a small nose. ※※※※※※ C.The one with blonde hair. 七年级英语试卷第1页 (共8页)

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