
Unit 3 Holiday Fun 单元测试卷(含答案)

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:98次 大小:78894Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 Holiday Fun 一. 用“↖”或者“↘”标出下列句子的升降调。(5分) 1.Please pick an orange for me . 2. Did you pick any apples 3.I wore a T-shirt and a cap. 4. Where did you go 5. I want a sandwich from the snack bar. 二: 从上面五个句子中找出1个与下面单词划线部分发音相同的单词(5分) 1. start _____ 2.bear _____ 3.magic_____ 4.before _____ 5.work 三:用所给单词的适当形式填空(8分) 1. My uncle lives on the _____(two) floor. 2. After seeing the film, I felt very _____(excite) about it. 3. _____(climb) is very interesting. 4. Today is _____(sun). Let’s go camping. 5. _____(Lucy and Lily) father is a _____(drive). 6. Look, the children are talking and laughing _____(happy). 7. There are some books on the ground, please pick _____(they) up. 8. Don’t take _____(photo) in the museum. 四: 单项选择(12分) We had _____ interesting holiday in _____ Cape Town. A. a; a B. an; an C. an; / D. /; / She wasn t at home. She to the museum just now. A. went B. goes C. is going D. will go —When _____ to work as a doctor, Miss Hu —Three years ago. A. do you begin B. will you begin C. are you beginning D. did you begin We didn't go _____ because it _____ heavily. A. fish; rains B. fish; rained C. fishing; rained D. fishing; raining After we heard the news, we were very . A. excited; excited B. exciting; exciting C. exciting; excited D. excited; exciting We were hungry, so we came to a restaurant lunch. A. at B. for C. of D. with —_____ was your holiday in Sanya —Great. A. What B. How C. Why D. Where — you go to the cinema with last night —My best friend Kate. A. Why did B. Where did C. Who do D. Who did My father _____ a present (礼物) _____ my sister on her ninth birthday. A. buyed; for B. bought; to C. buyed; to D. bought; for 10. -Could you ask Tom to ____ this afternoon? -Sure. A. call me back B. ask me back C. call back me D. call I back 11.-- _____ you happy yesterday –Yes, I ____ very happy yesterday. Was , feel B. Were, feel C. Did, felt D. Were, felt 12.The flower show went _____. A. good B. nice C. bad D. well 五:用所给动词的适当形式填空(12分) 1. My father usually (go) to work by bus, but he (drive) his car to work yesterday. 2. We all hope _____ (have) a long holiday. 3.There (be) not any large shopping malls ten years ago. 4. Last May Day, the students _____(sing) and danced in the school. 5. --Did you go _____ ( fish) yesterday —Yes. and I _____(catch) a big fish 6. She was late for class again, so she (run) to the classroom quickly. 7.—What _____Mike _____(do) yesterday --He (visit) the Great Wall yesterday. 8.—Where is your brother —He (read) in his room. 9. She wants _____(have) a computer. 六:首字母填空 (10分) Jenny and Betty got to Paris by p (1) the day before yesterday. Aunt Joan and Uncle Peter met t (2) at the airport. They were t (3) and they had a rest at home. Yesterday they went to the Louvre Museum and e (4) the wonderful works of art. They had dinner in a r (5) in the evening. This morning they took a w (6) . Betty loves ... ...

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