
译林版(2020) 选择性必修第一册 Unit 2 The Universal Language Reading课件(共44张PPT)

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:42次 大小:250611Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修一课件 Unit 2 The universal language Reading Page 16-19 Understanding culture through music ◆ 内容分析 【What】本板块的话题是“通过音乐理解文化”。语篇是两封交换生写的电子邮件。第一封是外国学生介绍中国的小提琴协奏曲《梁祝》,重点描述了《梁祝》音乐和故事情节之间相得益彰的匹配关系;第二封是中国学生介绍美国的乡村音乐,作者在文中提及了乡村音乐的主要风格,以及杰出音乐人约翰 · 丹佛和他的著名歌曲《乡村路带我回家》。 【Why】本板块的语篇以交换生的视角分别介绍中国的《梁祝》和美国的乡村音乐,旨在帮助我们意识到音乐是全球性的语言,通过音乐可以了解不同文化,借助音乐可以促进跨文化交际。 【How】本板块语篇的类型是电子邮件,两封邮件共同的写作特点如下:邮件主体部分主旨清晰、结构分明;由于是非正式文体,文中使用了很多口语化的表达方式,例如“So glad to get your email.”“I bet you’ll like it!”“Why don’t you try to listen to some great country music ”等。 两封邮件也有一些各自的写作特点:第一封邮件在描述音乐、故事情节、音乐营造的氛围时,细致入微,使用了拟人等修辞手法,生动、形象地描绘了该乐曲的艺术魅力;第二封邮件在介绍美国乡村音乐时选用了一段经典歌词作为例子,来说明乡村音乐的特点,给读者以直观的感受。 ◆ 教学目标 By the end of this section, we will be able to: 1. give a brief introduction to Butterfly Lovers and country music; 2. listen to Butterfly Lovers and express our understanding of it; 3. analyse the writing techniques of the two emails; 4. use personification to describe our favourite piece of music. personification[p s n f ke n]拟人  A great way to learn about a new culture is through its music. The emails below are written by two exchange students who are discovering new music in their host countries. Before you read the emails, think about the following questions: 1) What information do you think the emails contain according to the subjects Butterfly Lovers in the first email may refer to a famous musical piece in China,which is based on a Chinese legend about two lovers. The email may contain information of the music the writer heard and her feelings. musical piece音乐作品:指一首完整的音乐作品,包括歌曲、交响曲、协奏曲等。 le·gend / led nd/ 传说;传奇故事;(尤指某领域中的)传奇人物 What she learnt about Chinese culture through the music would also be included. The second email about “Country music”, a type of music popular in America, may contain the writer’s experiences of listening to different types of country music. It could include his opinions and feelings as well as what it taught him about American culture. 2) Have you watched a music performance live or on TV What was it like live /la v/ adj./adv.现场表演的/地;现场直播的/地 I recall watching the Spring Festival Gala one year. It was fantastic. I was greatly impressed by the performance of a popular Chinese folk singer and a famous foreign singer when they sang “Jasmine Flower”. Gala [ gɑ:l ]庆典;盛会;演出 fan·tas·tic /f n t st k/ 极好的;了不起的 jas·mine / d zm n/ 茉莉;素馨 It is a t ... ...

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