

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:65次 大小:1202478Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中山市2023一2024学年度下学期 小学五年级期末英语水平测试卷 Listening听力部分50% 一、Listen and tick.听录音,在括号里打√。(每题1分,共10分) 1.)plate 2.()grapes 3.()birthday 4.()why 5.()watch ()plant ()grass ()Thursday()who ( )wash 6.)shirt 7.()bridge 8.()chicken 9. )clean 10.()thing n ()short ()brother )children ()clear ( )thin 二、Listen and choose.听问句,i 选择答语。(每题2分,共16分) ( )1.A.I watch TV. B.At eight o'clock. ( )2.A.Make a cake. B.Do homework. ( )3.A.He's running. B.He can sleep. ( )4.A.Autumn. B.August. ( )5.A.Sally has a hat. B.It's Sally's. )6.A.Play in the snow. B.Plant flowers. ( )7.A.No,it's today. B.Yes,it does. ( )8.A.It's on October Ist. B.It's on November 1st. 三、Listen and write. 听短文,选词填空。(每题2分,共12分) River festival ice colourful beautiful water Every year in Harbin,China,there's a of ice and snow.You can see sculptures of buildings and animals.They are at night.This is the ice city.The ice is from the Songhua It is water in summer!But in winter,it's Harbin is very cold in winter.But in spring,it gets warm.The ice turns into again.It's just like a dream. 四、Listen and choose.听短文, 选出最佳答案。(每题2分,共6分)》 ()1.Alice studies at a school. A.dancing B.music C.sports ()2.Alice doesn't on Monday evening. A.play sports B.do homework C.play music )3.There's often a on Saturday. A.show B.contest C.game 五年极其语圳米水平测试卷第1页共4页

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