

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:94次 大小:2343411Byte 来源:二一课件通
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参考答案 1-5CBACA 6-11 CBABAC 12-17 ACABCC 18-27 ABCAACABBC 28-32 ACAAA 33-37 BAECD 38-45 HFEDBCGA 46 six o’clock 47 half past six 48 seven o’clock 49 go to bed 50 a quarter to nine L联系上下文,选择适当的答语,将标号填在相应横线上。(16分,每题2分) )38.Close your eyes.Taste it. A.No.Mum.This book is fun. )39.What lessons do we have today B.It's nine o'clock. ( )40.I want to join the volleyball club. :C.No!You're a beautiful swan. Would you like to come with me D.It's wonderful. )41.How's the fish E.Sure.I'd like to play volleyball: with you. )42.What time is it now F.We have Maths and Art. )43.I'm an ugly duckling. G.I play chess at home. )44.What do you do on Friday evening H.It's sweet.It's apple juice. )45.It's half past nine,Tom.Go to bed. 皿想一想,向大家介绍你的一天。《10分,每横线2分) My Day 参考词: I get up at 46. have lunch/dinner/read a book/go I have breakfast at 47. to bed... I go to school at 48. o'clock/half past...a quarter past 149 al50. /a quarter to... What a nice day! 四年级英语试卷第4页(共4) 于洪区2023-2024学年度下学期期末学业水平测试 四年级英语试卷 (试卷满分:100分 时间:40分钟)】 1选出画线部分发音不同的一项。(10分,每题2分) ( )1.A.short B.ship C.chair )2.A.nice B.is C.like )3.A.who B.what C.white )4.A.fox B.not C.also )5.A.look B.moon C.zoo Ⅱ.看图选词,使句意更完整。(12分,每题2分】 A.garden 6.I go to the B.Monday with my classmates. C.museum A.watermelon juice. ()7.It's sweet and sour.It's B.strawberry juice. C.lemonade. A.Science. ()8.I like B.Chinese. And I like animals and plants. C.English. A.sun. )9.It's green.It has small B.leaves. C.water. A.piano. )10.He can play the B.drum C.violin. A.football ()ll.Let's join the B.volleyball club together. C.basketball 四年级英语试卷第1页(共4页

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