

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:91次 大小:1948110Byte 来源:二一课件通
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密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 莽 )2.A.It's mine. 5元 )3.A.They're John's.B.It's John's. C.It's cloudy. B.It's 6 o'clock. )1.A.It's time for PE class. t)60·询冷防欧移港路岛际骄据)11.H5406se.际回分提Ir 江)心D:务锈片用山不4所-所:。T II V5.A· )4.A.green beans )2.A.cheap )1.A.computer room B.shirt B.It's on the first floor.C.It's hot and sunny B.tomatoes B.windy B.expensive B.classroom .)%01·玩情物」所所所出张.6n-Wes。5HL1 I. Listening Part ( 我可:m06学份俱:1004 C.sunglasses C.carrots C.rainy. C.pretty C·C.p (0冷) VII 2022-2024集华障后党限公党帮术号八中健魂 C.It's John VIII 零 202A47 )5.-How. A.this 【)4- A.warm )3.1+5 A.Lily's ()2.-Whose skirt is this A.music room )1.It's time for art class.Let's go to the 1)%0·签冷伴请接扶生语e5601aeR.W VI 【O5. FA月 )2.A.tall 【u:A.wgNk )5.The yellow hat is 30 yuan. )4.Kate's old hat is too big. )3.Kate has a new shirt. )2.It's sunny in Shanghai )1.Kate is in Beijing. Y5.A·Yes.iYis. )4.A.It's a cow is the T-shirt B.nurse B.bird B.mall Bf9度k B.much B.these --They are green beans B.sunny .图1衣)oU oU B.Lily B.art room (擦与银S(60次)W :)场0·质防隔鞋1香特精文:所明文钢所.eg4u15L1 IV B.No,it isn't. B.They are so big! c岁 C.hall C.老0ra C.about -It's sixty yuan C.that C.rainy C.computer room 月3 D.third D.scart D.wall D.horse C.It's on the second floor. C.They are onions

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