
北师大版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 6 The Admirable Lesson 3 The superhero behind superman课件(共28张PPT,内镶嵌音频)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:86次 大小:53872254Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Welcome to Ann’s class! The Superhero Behind Superman MY HERO CHANGE MY LIFE ENCOURAGE ME TO LIVE Predict what we will read … Style order get to know the structure an essay B. a novel C. a biography in chronological/time order or in logical order What else do you want to know about him Ask as many questions as you can. Activate reading interest Write down your questions here to finish the first part. high level readers middle level readers low level readers Read the story and find your answers alone; Help low level readers to find the answers to their questions. Work together to find your answers. You can ask Ann for help. Read for your answers Write down your answers here to finish the second part. Was Reeve successful as an actor What did he do for children before the injury Is he OK now What was his hope after the injury Not know the new word advocate difficult to understand the sentence Let’s get to know it by learning its root. advocate Take notes here advocate 词根词缀 前缀 词根 后缀 方向大小程度 意义 词性 ad 靠近 voc 叫喊 ate 动词名词后缀 ary 名词后缀 voc 声音+abul名册 ENCOURAGE TO LIVE CHANGE MY LIFE MY HERO Before the injury After the injury G1,G3,G5 Take notes of important facts about Christopher Reeve. G2,G4,G6 1. Discuss and find out the facts. 2. write down the facts. 3. Stick your answers on the board. ENCOURAGE TO LIVE CHANGE MY LIFE MY HERO Before the injury After the injury given a lead role in a Superman film starred in four Superman films from 1978 to 1987 visited sick children in hospitals gained a reputation for raising awareness for good causes worked with organisations such as Save the Children spoke out about health, education and child protection undertook an intense exercise programme managed to return to his film career wrote a biography returned to charity work inspired many people who were stuck in illness What kind of person is Christiopher Reeve Discuss in your group. Pick out the expressions that you feel are the most impressive. Write something to my future self. Pick out the expressions that you feel are the most impressive. Write something to my future self. BEHIND SUPERMAN I AM READY HERO Let’s share! Homework Post your card on the Internet and inspire more people. Thank you!

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