
Module 1 Geniuses Unit 1 Wise men in history Reading 课件(牛津深圳版九上)

日期:2024-09-07 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:43次 大小:30592965Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Reading Unit 1 Wise men in history golden crown Olympics agreement confirmation pot doubt real truth adj. 金的;金色的 n. 王冠;皇冠 n. [pl.] 奥运会 n. 同意;应允 n. 证实 n. 罐 v. 不能肯定;对……无把握 adj. 真的;正宗的 n. 真相;实情 Words review seem solve fill bowl displace less metal certain prison v. 好像;似乎 v. 解决;处理 v. 装满;注满 n. 碗;盆 v. 取代;替代 det. 较少的;更少的 n. 金属 adj. 确定的;肯定的 n. 监狱;牢狱 (be) happy with fill … with … run over send … to prison 把……关进监狱 (对某人或事物)满意的 用……把……装满 溢出 Match Can you name some wise men in history Confucius (551BC-479BC) He was a Chinese teacher, editor, politician, philosopher of the Spring and Autumn Period of Chinese history. He is famous for Lun yu. “What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others.”(己所不欲,勿施于人。) Laozi lived in the 6th century BC. It is believed that he wrote the Daodejing. This book is popular in both the East and the West. Many people have found inspiration in this book. A journey of a thousand li begins with a single step. (千里之行,始于足下。) Zhuge Liang (181-234), courtesy name Kongming. He was an important military strategist, statesman, inventor and accomplished scholar during the Three Kindoms period. He was famous for his Thirty-six Stratagems(三十六计). But yet he failed to complete his quest before death. 出师未捷身先死, That always makes heroes shed their tears like no other. 长使英雄泪满襟。 Getting ready What do you think they are talking about Now look at the cartoon and answer the questions. What is Lo doing He is using a broom to lift a globe. He says that he is trying to lift the Earth. Archimedes. He may think that Lo is silly. What is Lo saying about his action Whom do Lo’s words make you think of What does Hi probably think of Lo 1. Which of these ancient countries is in Europe a. Greece. b. Egypt. 2. Which of these people lived in ancient Greece a. Archimedes. b. Julius Caesar. 3. What was Archimedes a. A scientist. b. A painter. 4. Archimedes died in 212 BC. How long ago was that a. About 1,800 years ago. b. About 2,200 years ago. Try the short quiz below. Choose the correct answers. (P2) A1 阿基米德 孟子 祖冲之 A2 Do you know anything about these great men Tell your classmates. (P2) Look at the pictures and the title of the story. Then answer the questions below. (P2) Task 1 1. Who was the crown probably made for 2. What is Archimedes doing in the first picture 3. Why was Archimedes so excited 4. What is in the right pot in the second picture It was probably made for the king. He is having/taking a bath/bathing. Because he probably had a good idea. The crown. Archimedes and the golden crown One day in ancient Greece, King Hiero asked a crown maker to make him a golden crown. At first, he was very happy with it. “It’s a nice crown, isn’t it ” he asked his men. Later, however, he began to doubt that it was a real golden cro ... ...

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