
Module 1 Geniuses Unit 1 Wise men in history Speaking 课件(牛津深圳版九上)

日期:2024-09-07 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:53次 大小:7025290Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Speaking Unit 1 Wise men in history 根据所给情境,用正确的语调朗读下列句子。 Situation 1: It is raining outside and you can see it through the classroom window. Situation 2: It seems like it’s raining outside, but you are not sure. It is raining, isn’t it Situation 1: You know the encyclopaedia belongs to Mary. Situation 2: You want to know whose encyclopaedia it is. This is your encyclopaedia, isn’t it Situation 1: You listened to the weather forecast this morning and now it is raining. Situation 2: You listened to the weather forecast this morning but it is still very sunny. The weather forecast said it would rain today, didn’t it Situation 1: You have never seen Wendy do sport. So you ask her good friend about it. Situation 2: You know Wendy very well. She is not a sporty girl. Wendy doesn’t like sport, does she S1. It’s raining, isn’t it S2: It sure is! I’ve never seen it rain this hard before! S1: It’s raining, isn’t it S2: No, it isn’t. Can you read the sentences with correct intonation Now listen to the tape. We use a falling intonation when we are asking for agreement. We use a rising intonation when we are asking for confirmation. Sam: Hi, Lily. You’ve got something new, haven’t you Lily: Yes, I have. It’s a gift from my uncle — a book about the ancient Greeks. It looks interesting, doesn’t it Sam: Yes, it does. I love reading about people like Archimedes. I want to be a scientist like him in the future. Lily: You’re joking, aren’t you You never liked science before. Sam: I’ve started to like it. You like science too, don’t you Lily: Well, a little. Oh, I have to go to my club meeting. Bye. Sam: Bye. Read the conversation below and practise it in pairs. Pay attention to the intonation for the question tags. Role-play 1. Role play the conversation in groups; 2. Role play the conversation in front of the class. Pay attention to the intonations. Let’s see which group does the best. Read and try to recite the conversations in 5-10 minutes. Work in pairs. Read the following story and complete the notes below. (P11) B1 ★ Who: Helen ★ When: ★ Where: ★ What: ★ Why: in ancient Greece at the Olympics Helen dressed as a soldier to attend the Olympics and watch her son run, but she was soon caught. In ancient Greece, women were not allowed to watch the Olympics. Complete the notes below. When we tell a story, we usually answer the five “w”s: Who was the story about What happened in the story When did it happen Where did the story take place Why did the story happen Who - What - When - Where - Why - How do we tell a story Top tip: Activity Now retell Helen’s story to your classmate. Who is the best Ready 竞技赛会的组织者由奴隶主贵族的代表人物 — 地方官员和宗教头面人物具体负责,他们有权决定运动员和观众的资格。 竞技赛会的仲裁委员会由宙斯神殿中的专职祭司和经过选举产生的裁判人员共同担任。 凡在比赛中贿赂裁判或行为不检点的人要被罚以巨款。 竞技比赛只能在个人之间进 ... ...

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