
江苏省永丰初级中学牛津译林预备课程:Lesson 8 Let’s have fun!教案

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:20次 大小:17158Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中学14-15学年集体备课教案 课题 Lesson 8 Let’s have fun! 地点 第二会议室 成员 初一备课组 主备人 教 学目 标 知识目标 能够熟练掌握并运用方位介词。培养学生的阅读能力。 教学方法 discussionpractice 能力目标 To complete an article with the information 情感目标 To make communications with the related topics 教材分 析 重点 掌握介词的用法 难点 熟练使用介词 教 学 过 程教学过程 一.自主质疑与预习交流1. Enjoy a song2. Ask and answer 1) Where is the mouse 2) Where is the cat 3) Where is the fish 二.教师质疑与情境创设Present the prepositions of position by pictures.2. Practice(1) Look at the pictures in part B2 and practice Where is … It is …/ He is …Where are… They are…(2) Look at the pictures in part B3 and practice Where is the boy He is …Where are the birds They are…Where is the tree It is …Where are the animals They are…Where are the horses They are…三.点拨提示与合作释疑(a)You can see some cows, horses, pigs and sheep on the grass.(b)On hot summer days, Ioften swim in the river.(c)Under the tree is my grandparents’ dog.(d)Near my grandgarents’ house is a river./ There is a river beside my grandparents’ house.(e)There is a garden behind the house./There is a house in the front of the garden.(f)Simon sits on the left of Millie. Peter sits on the right of Millie. Millie sits between Simon and Peter.观察以上句子中的介词,然后总结介词的用法。四.课堂演练与拓展提升 (1) Find the differencesIn Picture 1, there is a dog under the tree.In Picture 2, there is not a dog under the tree.(2) Stick new pictures to the right places.T: Some new friends come to the farm today. Please put them to the right place.This is a new picture of the farm. There is a tree on the right of the house. Under this tree is a bear. A lovely cat is beside the dog. A girl is on the right of the boy. A duck is between the boy and the girl.五.归纳总结学生集体朗读课文完成A2部分的练习根据上面表格提供的信息复述课文六.教学反思: 个人二次备课:个人二次备课:

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