
Unit 5 The Value of Money Reading and Thinking 课件(共31张PPT)2023-2024学年高一英语人教版(2019)必修第三册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:22次 大小:7876776Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) THE VALUE OF MONEY Part 2 Reading and Thinking Unit 5 Lead-in 1. Have you ever thought about becoming rich overnight 2. If it really happened, how would it change your life (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) 1835-1910 short story 1893 1954 Mark Twain _____ real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens, was born in Florida ____ November 30th, 1835. He_____(bring) up in Hannibal, Missouri, along the Mississippi River. Twain is best known for his novels _____(set) in his boyhood world on the river, of _____ the most famous are The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Twain loved the river so much _____ even his pen name is about the river. Twain’s writing was famous for its _____(describe) of common people and the way they talked, but especially ____ his humour. He became rich from the many novels, short stories and travel journals he wrote. When he _____(enjoy) great fame, he went bankrupt because of ill-advised investments and his writing lost most of its humour and became sad like him. whose on was brought set which that description for was enjoying Skimming 1. a short piece of writing, music, film, etc. taken from a longer whole. 2. a written text of a play, film/movie, broadcast, talk, etc. an excerpt from the script of a play 摘录;节选;(音乐、电影的)片段 剧本;电影剧本;广播(或讲话等)稿 script excerpt 戏剧剧本的节选 Skimming title of play narration scene charater names lines of dialogue stage directions Stage directions are usually placed in parentheses (括号) that are provided by the playwright to describe how something should be presented or performed on stage. Act : one of the main divisions of a play, an opera , etc.(戏剧、歌剧等的)一幕 Scene : a part of a play during which there is no change in time or place.(戏剧或歌剧的)场 Naration : a description of events that is spoken during a film/movie, a play, etc. or with music(电影、戏剧等中对情节的)解说;旁白 Reading 1.What are the characters in this scene 2.What happens in this scene 3.What is the bet Discussion 1890年前后,查尔斯·布思(CharlesBooth)调查了“伦敦居民的生活和劳动”,并绘制了伦敦居民所得的分布地图,其中贝克街被归类为“有一名用人的中产阶级”的居住区域。福尔摩斯曾抱怨:“好不容易找到了不错的房子,但是一个人住的话房租太贵了。”从这里便可找到房租贵的缘由。 那么,贝克街的房租到底是多少呢?参考夏目漱石的房租,会发现他在1901年2月15日的日记中写到“最初房子的租金是一周2英镑(40先令),实在太贵了,我不得不六周后就搬家”,况且“提供的饭食难以下咽……不过一周只要25先令,倒也说不上奢侈”。这时,漱石接受了克莱喀先生(WilliamJames Craig)的单独授课,1次课5先令,相当于伦敦带三餐的旅店一天的房费。普通的住宿是寝室兼作起居室的一间房屋,而贝克街221B则除了有一间宽敞且通风良好的起居室外,还有两间舒适宜居的卧室。房租可以两人均摊,但是伙食费则不能对半平摊,再加上房东哈德森夫人做的美味三餐和下午茶,大概每人1周要花费45先令左右。若将华生的年金折算成周薪,则是80先令6便士(4英镑6便士)。这样,比起住旅店,租房生活可 ... ...

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