
北师大版(2019)必修第二册Unit 6 The admirable Lesson 3 The Superhero Behind Superman课件(共33张PPT,内嵌音视频)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:13次 大小:260407005Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Learning Objectives Know about Christopher Reeve’s life. A Learn to build up empathy with characters. B Learn the spirits of the superheroes. C Talk about admirable Chinese superheroes in groups and cultivate a sense of national confidence and pride. D Unit 6 Lesson 3 The Superhero Behind Superman Superman Pre-class (课前预习) Task 1 Thinking before reading (1) Why is Superman so popular among us? (2) Who played the role of Superman? (3) What do these two pictures tell you about Christopher Reeve? Thinking before reading: Learn something about the film Superman and the actor. Ask and answer these questions in pairs: Task 1 Pre-class (课前预习) Task 1 Thinking before reading Task 2 Predicting the contents Christopher Reeve 1. Why is Reeve known as the superhero behind Superman? 2. What happened to him in real life? 3. How did he feel after the accident? 4. What did he do afterwards? Predicting the contents: What do you want to know about Christopher? Task 2 Pre-class (课前预习) Task 1 Thinking before reading Task 2 Predicting the contents Task 3 Skimming for structure Christopher Reeve (Para 1) the accident (Paras 2-3) after the accident (Paras 4-5) (Para 6) I_____ His life before _____ His life _____ _____ C_____ Task 3 Introduction Conclusion Pre-class (课前预习) Task 1 Thinking before reading Task 2 Predicting the contents Task 3 Skimming for structure Task 4 Reading for details Four stages of Christopher Reeve’s life During his wildly successful (1) _____ Hollywood career Task 4 {00A15C55-8517-42AA-B614-E9B94910E393}Stage Details During his wildly successful (1) _____ ● From 1978 to 1987, he (5)_____. ● He gained a reputation for (6)_____. starred in four Superman films raising awareness for good causes Hollywood career Task 4 Four stages of Christopher Reeve’s life During his wildly successful (1) _____ After he was (2) _____ Hollywood career injured Task 4 {00A15C55-8517-42AA-B614-E9B94910E393}Stage Details After he was (2) _____ His physical condition: ● (7) _____ in his body ● A machine to help him (8)_____ His mental health: ● Reeve felt like he had (9)_____. ● During the early stages of living with his injury, he wished that he was (10)_____ and even thought of (11) _____. ● He fell into (12)_____. No movement or feeling breathe lost all hope dead ending his own life a depression injured Task 4 Four stages of Christopher Reeve’s life During his wildly successful (1) _____ After he was (2) _____ Coming out of the “(3)_____” Hollywood career injured nightmare Task 4 {00A15C55-8517-42AA-B614-E9B94910E393}Stage Details Reasons: ● Ongoing support of (13)_____ ● His new goal: (14) _____ his wife, family and friends walking again one day nightmare Coming out of the “(3)_____” Task 4 Four stages of Christopher Reeve’s life During his wildly successful (1) _____ After he was (2) _____ Coming out of the “(3)_____” Hollywood career injured nightmare Task 4 As an (4)_____ for medical research advocate {00A15C55-8517-42AA-B614-E9B ... ...

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