
外研版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 6 Survival Starting out 课件-(共17张PPT,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:79次 大小:51982008Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Starting out P61 新外研选择性必修Book 2 Unit 6 Survival Learning objectives In this class, you will look at some pictures and answer questions about them; watch a video about living and working in Antarctica and then answer specific questions; work in groups to discuss what the most challenging will be if you are going to live in Antarctica. When you see the title of this unit, what came to your mind first Survival disease adversity extreme weather disasters exploration ... Before viewing Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1. What does this picture show 2. What difficulties would people have surviving in the situation This picture shows that an earthquake has happened. The road is cut off. People would find it difficult to leave the area to find safety, or to receive supplies such as food, water, medicines and fuel. Power and communications may have been cut off by the earthquake. There is a risk of further quakes via an aftershock. This picture tells us that a disease has broken out and is probably spreading. People may face difficulties such as quarantine, shortage of hospital services and panic- buying of essential medicines, food or other supplies. There may be misinformation and panic. 1. What does this picture show 2. What difficulties would people have surviving in the situation In the picture, we can see a ship sinking. People who are unable to escape the ship on a lifeboat face the immediate dangers of drowning or of dying from exposure. Those who do escape on a lifeboat need to ration their food and water, and hope for rescue as soon as possible. 1. What does this picture show 2. What difficulties would people have surviving in the situation The picture shows us a dense jungle. People would find it difficult to travel and navigate. It would also be difficult to find food and water. Wild animals and venomous insects are also potential problems. 1. What does this picture show 2. What difficulties would people have surviving in the situation We can see an astronaut in space. Space is an extreme environment for human beings. They face danger from extreme temperatures, low pressures and radiation. They must carry everything they need with them, even air. The lack of gravity makes simple actions such as eating, drinking, moving and even sleeping difficult. Anyone who spends too long in a zeo-gravity enironment risks losing bone and muscle mass. 1. What does this picture show 2. What difficulties would people have surviving in the situation The picture shows us a severe drought. Without water, people and livestock face death within a short period of time. In addition to water shortages, drought causes crop failure, so people would face food shortages as well. This could affect people who do not live in the drought-affected area. Severe food shortages can cause famine, migration, collapse of social order and war. 1. What does this picture show 2. What difficulties woul ... ...

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