ID: 20854635

人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Reading for Writing 课件(共21张PPT)

日期:2024-10-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:28次 大小:10545090B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 MORALS AND VIRTUES Share your opinions about a moral story Reading for Writing by Flor Learning Aims 1. Get the content and implication of the fable The Stone in the Road. 2. Know the structure of a review and write a review of the fable. 3. Get inspired by the virtue of the characters in the story and have a better understanding of morality. 内容和含意 (对书籍、戏剧、电影等的)评论 寓言 It's a kind of traditional short story. It teaches a moral lesson. It's usually a story with animals as characters. These stories are always considered as a group. For example, Aesop's Fables. What kind of writing is it fable 寓言 Lead in 伊索寓言 孔融让梨Kong Rong gives up the biggest pearLead in孟母三迁Mencius’ Mother Moves Three Times铁杵成针Constant grinding turns an iron rod into a needle程门立雪Stand in the Snow to Wait for Master Cheng Do you know these famousfables Match eachfablewith thelessonit teaches people.Kong Rong gives up the biggest pearMencius’ Mother Moves Three TimesConstant grinding turns an iron rod into a needleStand in the Snow to Wait for Master ChengSteady efforts make success.One should respect his teacher.It’s a virtue to respect the old and care for the young.Environment is of great importance to education.The Stone in the Road Fable 1. What is the passage mainly about fable a king move put/placed Part 1: Para._____ Part 2: Para._____ Part 3: Para._____ 1-2 3-7 8-9 The King’s idea Different responses to the stone in the road The end of the story Reading The passage is an old _____ about _____ who _____ a large stone in the middle of the road, waiting to see if anyone will try to _____ it. 2. Analyse the structure of the text. text type Part 1 (para.1-2): The king’s idea when where who what why early one morning a local village placed a large stone in the middle of the main street and hid gold coins under the stone the king see move problems in public To test peoples’ _____ to problems in public. to _____ whether people would _____ the stone responses A good nation a fable (story) Person Experience Emotion Response milkman woman with water other villagers young girl crashed into the stone angry went away tripped over the stone sad limped away in tears complained about the stone upset /unhappy /annoyed Nobody made an attempt to move the stone. saw the stone and the gold coins worried /concerned surprised moved the stone to the side of the street; wanted to find the owner of the gold Part 2 (para.3-7): Different responses to the stone in the road Group Work moved others indifferent _____ the stone responsible thought for _____ complained about themselves _____ the stone thought for _____ Two attitudes towards stone in the road _____ _____ 冷漠的 others girl What kind of person Part 3 (para.8-9): The end of the story Character Result the girl the king got the gold The girl was the only person who has learnt the lesson he wanted to teach his people. others got not ... ...

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