ID: 20856247


日期:2024-10-17 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:13次 大小:336384B 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 词性分类:七年级上册 动词 starter are am is spell see can say color unit1 meet unit2 have unit3 excuse thank help welcome ask find call lost must unit4 come think know unit5 do have let go has get play sound watch love like unit6 eat want be unit7 need look take buy sell unit8 test unit9 finish 短语 starter Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! How are you in English unit1 telephone/phone number first name last name middle school unit2 Have a good day! unit3 pencil box excuse me What about... thank you for... You're welcome. ID card ask... for... a set of unit4 come on tape player model plane unit5 soccer ball let's= let us watch TV unit6 think about How about... unit7 How much... Can I help you Here you are. a pair of unit8 Happy birthday! How old... See you! Have a good time! unit9 for sure from... to... 词性分类:七年级下册 动词 Unit 1 sing swim dance chess speak join tell write show talk make teach unit2 dress brush shower work exercise run clean walk taste unit3 ride drive live cross unit4 arrive listen fight wear bring practice relax read feel remember follow keep learn unit5 sleep save forget cut kill unit6 use wash drink shop study miss wish unit7 rain snow cook could visit sit skate unit8 pay turn spend climb enjoy unit9 may put describe end unit10 would order answer blow will unit11 milk feed grow farm pick worry hear unit12 camp stay shout at… fly surprise move start jump wake 短语 unit1 play chess speak English be good at… talk to… play the drums violin play the violin be good with… make friends help (sb.) with sth. on the weekend unit2 get up get dressed take a shower radio station on weekends do (one's) homework take a walk either…or… lots of unit3 get to take the subway ride a bike every day by bike think of between…and… come true unit4 (be) on time dining hall listen to… Have to go out do the dishes make (one's) bed be strict (with sb.) follow the rules unit5 kind of South Africa get lost be in (great) danger cut down (be) made of unit6 read a newspaper make soup go to the movies eat out drink tea the United States(of America) Dragon Boat Festival living room unit7 take a message call (sb.) back right now on (a) vacation unit8 post office police station pay phone across from in front of turn turn right /left spend time enjoy reading unit9 (be) of medium height a little in the end unit10 would like take one's order one (large) bowl of… around the world make a wish blow out the UK get popular cut up bring good luck to… unit11 milk a cow ride a horse feed chickens quite a lot (of…) in the countryside fire station all in all be interested in unit12 stay up late run away shout at… fiy a kite high school put up each other get a surprise shout to… start up and down wake…up 词性分类:八年级上册 动词 Unit 1 seem decide try wonder wait dislike Unit 2 swing die Unit 3 win care laugh kid should reach hand touch break share Unit 4 close choose act give Unit 5 plan hope happen expect appear beco ... ...

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