ID: 21469703

Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?课件 (4份打包) 2024-2025学年英语人教版八年级上册

日期:2024-10-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:60次 大小:691466B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Period2 课后分层作业 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? 01 基础达标练 02 能力提升练 一、单项填空。(★) ( )1.—The summer holiday is coming. —Yes.Let’s _____ somewhere interesting. A.plan go  B.plan to go  C.plan to go to  D.plan go to ( )2.—What do you _____ the film? —Very exciting. A.think of  B.think into  C.think over  D.think up A B ( )3.—_____ do you like this storybook? —I think it’s very interesting. A.When  B.Where  C.What  D.How ( )4.I don’t want to know the _____ of the sentence, because I think it’s _____. A.meaning; meaning  B.meaningful; meaning C.meaning; meaningful D.meaning; meaningless ( )5.I want to _____ the basketball match.Could you turn on the TV? A.look at  B.saw D D D 二、根据语境及提示填写单词。(★) 6.If nobody follows the rules, it will be       (没有意义的) to make them. 7.We are _____ (plan) to visit West Lake this summer vacation. 8.Most parents e_____ their children to study hard and get good grades. 9.My good friend, Johnny, often tells _____ (笑话) to me. 10.I like watching       ([ k n]) movies.They make me feel excited. action jokes xpect  planning  meaningless  三、完成句子,词数不限。(★★) 11.她希望有一天能成为一名作家。 She               a writer one day. 12.她觉得这次才艺表演怎么样?          does she         the talent show? 13.你打算明年去哪里旅行? Where do you           travel next year? hopes to be/become What think of plan to 14.我可以从情景喜剧中学到一些笑话。 I can         some jokes        sitcoms. 15.(能力进阶题)为什么格林先生(Mr.Green)喜欢看游戏节目? _____ learn from Why does Mr.Green like watching game shows? ( )16.A.she    B.her    C.hers    四、语法选择。(★★,建议用时:4分钟) My name is Alice.I’m a movie lover and I expect my kids to like movies, too.When I took my daughter, Tina, to the movie theater for the first time, she was six and the film was Bambi.I chose it because I thought a cartoon movie would be good for  16 . B ( )17.A.kill    B.kills    C.killed   ( )18.A.go     B.goes go ( )19.A.carefully  B.careful ( )    B.likes    C.liked   B A C At first, everything was going just fine and Bambi was so lovely.However, when a man 17  Bambi’s mother, my daughter became very unhappy and wanted 18  home.So we left in the middle of the movie.Later, I chose movies more  19  and my daughter watched many great ones.Luckily, she  20  movies as much as I do now. C ( )     C.are     ( )22.A.sit    B.sits    C.sat     ( )23.A.a    C.the     ( )24.A.for     A A C My worry 21 : Are cartoons really safe and educational? Once I 22  on the sofa watching a cartoon with my 8-year-old son, Nick.I got surprised when I saw 23  character bleeding (流血) ... ...

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