
Module 4 Unit 2What is the best way to travel Writing课件(共16张PPT)外研版八年级上册

日期:2024-09-06 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:37次 大小:1884156Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 4 Unit 2 What is the best way to travel Writing Retell the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. choice cost fast however journey outside Retelling time There are four ways to travel from London to Amsterdam. The first (1) _____ is by train because the (2) _____ takes only four hours. (3)_____, it is quite expensive. Going by coach does not (4) _____ as much as going by train. When you go by car and by ship, remember that parking in Amsterdam is not cheap, so it is best to stay (5) _____ the city centre and travel in by bus or by train. Going by plane is the (6) _____, but you need to go to the airport. It also takes time. However cost outside fastest choice journey 1 2 能运用形容词和副词的最高级来谈论并比较旅行方式和交通工具。 能运用形容词副词的最高级, 写一篇作文 介绍从伦敦到巴黎的旅行方式。 目标:通过比较叙述,运用形容词副词的最高级,写一篇作文介绍从伦敦到巴黎的旅行方式 Activity 1 Free Talk How many ways of travelling do you know What is the best way to travel It depends... Free Talk Cost Time Comfortable Interesting ... ... Activity 2 5 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the ways of travelling. Use the information in the table. Pair Work — What’s the cheapest way to travel from London to Paris — The cheapest way is by coach. Ways of travelling Cost Time Comfortable Interesting London — Paris coach £20 10 hours ﹡ ﹡﹡ plane £80 1 hour ﹡﹡ ﹡ train £60 3 hours ﹡﹡﹡ ﹡﹡﹡ Activity 3 6 Write a passage about ways of travelling from London to Paris. _____ You can go from London to Paris by coach, plane or train. Travelling by plane is the fastest but also the most expensive way. … … Writing Steps: → → → → beautify think list add connect 审→列→加→连→美 Think(审题) Group Discussion List(用简单句列出文章的要点) 话题:_____ 体裁:_____ 人称:_____ 时态:_____ 论述比较不同的方面: 第二人称 一般现在时态 应用文 介绍旅行方式 a. Cost b. Time c. Comfortable ... ... Add(加开头, 结尾使文章完整) Group Discussion 正文 从不同方面(最高级), 比较旅行方式 开头 ? 结尾 ? In Activity 2, how does it write about ways of travelling from London to Amsterdam In Activity 2, it write about ways of travelling from London to Amsterdam: 开头 正文 结尾 总述 多方面 对比 旅行方式 结尾祝福语 Add(加开头, 结尾使文章完整) Group Discussion 正文 从不同方面(最高级), 比较旅行方式 开头 There are ... ways to travel ... from ...to... by (交通方式)... 结尾 祝福语:Have a great trip! ... 审→列→加→连→美 Group Discussion 连词: 过渡词: 表示列举的词: 总结性的短语、句子: as (everyone knows), before, after, when, if, because… therefore (因此), besides, also, what’s more... First, ...Second,... in my opinion, in a word , in short, in general, I think… 从Activity 2中寻找、总结并拓展 Activity 4 6 Write a passage about ways of travelling from London to Paris. _____ You can go from London to Paris by coach, plane or train. Travelling by plane is the fastest but also the most expensi ... ...

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