
外研九上Module 5 Museums知识清单+默写清单

日期:2024-09-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:39次 大小:272482Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 九年级上 模块基础知识点 M5 U1 一、单词 1.upstairs 在楼上 2.exhibition展览 3.rule 规则 4. tail 尾巴 5.rope 绳索 6.entry 进入权 7.missing 失踪的 8.downstairs 在楼下 9.punish 惩罚 二、词组 1.No shouting! 请勿喧哗 6.That’s no good. 那没益处 2.against the rules 违反规定 7.No wonder 怪不得 3.be in trouble 遇上麻烦 8.Don’t be rude. 别粗鲁 4.Don’t cross the rope. 不要越过绳子 9.What’s the matter 发生什么事了? 5.No entry. 禁止进入 10.go downstairs. 下楼 三、句子 1.It’s against the rules. 这是违反规定的。 2.He is in trouble again. 他又惹麻烦了。 3.Don’t cross that rope! 不要越过那条绳子。 4.Don’t be rude. 不要这么粗鲁。 5.What’s the matter? 怎么了? 四、语言点考点 1. upstairs adv. 在楼上/向楼上 He went upstairs . 他上楼了. 2. exhibition n. 展览,展览会 The car exhibition is wonderful. 汽车展很精彩。 3. tail n.尾,尾巴 The squirrel has a long tail. 松鼠有一条长长的尾巴。 4. rule n. 规则,法则 against the rule=break the rule 违反规则 We shouldn’t against the rule when we are in school. 在学校时我们不应该违反规定。 5.punish v.惩罚,惩处 Don't punish your child for being honest. 别因诚实而处罚孩子。 6. No shouting, please! 请勿喧哗! Don’t cross that rope! 不要越过那条绳子! No photos. 请勿拍照。 Don’t be rude! 不要粗鲁。 “禁止做某事”可以采用以下几种结构: 1). No + doing No joking! 不要开玩笑! 2). No + 名词 No entry. 请勿入内。 3). 祈使句 Don’t make any noise. 不要吵闹。 Keep off the grass. 请勿践踏草坪。 7.be in trouble 处于不幸(苦恼,困境)之中 in danger 处于危险中 Please telephone us when you are in trouble. 有困难给我们来电话。 8. No wonder the place is empty! 难怪这个地方人不多。 It's no wonder that they won't come. 难怪他们没有来。 9. have to 不得不 I have to tidy up my classroom. 我不得不打扫教室。 10.What a wonderful museum! 感叹句,表达强烈的感情 What +a/ an +adj +可数n +(主+谓)! What an interesting book it is! What +adj +不可数n/可数n复数 +(主+谓)! What good teachers they are! What beautiful music it is! How+adj +主语+谓语! How beautiful the music is! M5 U1模块即时检测 一、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。 1.I think I will go _____ (上楼) and have a sleep. 2.They went to an _____(展览) of modern art yesterday. 3.They hope to find their _____(消失的) son. 二、单选 ( ) 1.I think we should ask our teachers for help when we are _____. A.in trouble B.in order C.in style ( ) 2.The teacher will _____ you if you break the window. A.agree B.punish C.promise ( ) 3.If you are _____ the rule, you will be punished. A.for B.on C.against ( ) 4.No _____ you were late for school. You got up late. A.wonder B.good C.reason ( ) 5.Look at the sign “No_____”! A.shout B.to shout C.shouting ( ) 6.The sign means _____. A.Don’t talking . B.Don’t talk. C.No talks. 三、根据汉语意思完成句子 1. 大明不得不去训练篮球。 Daming _____ ____ train the basketball. M5 U2 一、单词 1.communication通信 2.physics 物理 3.chemistry化学 4.dig 挖掘 5.coal 煤 6.energy 能量 7.X-ray X射线 8.experiment 实验 9.sand 沙子 10.control 操作 11.truck卡车 ... ...

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