
Unit 8 Knowing the world 单元练习课件(8份打包)冀教版(2024)七年级上册

日期:2024-09-13 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:23次 大小:2214379Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 8 Knowing the world Lesson 6 The earth—our only home 目 录 CONTENTS 01 1星题 基础巩固 02 2星题 能力提升 一、方框选词并用其适当形式填空 desert, heavy, north, tour, dry 1. Bad weather! It snows so  heavily  today. 2. We can ride camels when we travel in  deserts . 3. Tom  dries  the bowls and puts them away after washing them. heavily deserts dries 二 三 一 4. Beijing, the capital of China, is in the  northern  part of our country. 5. We can take more  tours , and then we can know our home country better. northern tours desert, heavy, north, tour, dry 二 三 一 二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 6. 我们班三分之二的男生喜欢打篮球。  Two   thirds   of  the boys in our class  like  playing basketball. Two thirds of like 点拨:分数表达法:基数词表示分子,序数词表示分母, 如果分子大于1,分母则要用复数形式。故填Two thirds of。注意:使用分数表达时,谓语动词形式的选择根据分 数后面的名词单复数进行选择,所以第二空填like。 二 三 一 7. 我们对植物的不同部位使用不同的名称。 We  use  different names  for  different parts of the plant. 8. 由于天气不好,汤姆上学迟到了。 Tom is late for school  because   of  the bad weather. use for because of 二 三 一 9. 天空乌云密布,我确定要下雨了。 The sky  is   full   of  dark clouds. I’m sure it is going to rain. 10. [2024·唐山期末改编]你将来想做什么? What would you like to be  in   the   future ? is full of in the future 二 三 一 11. 这个大箱子装满了旧书,我搬不动它。 The big box  is   full   of  old books. I can’t carry it. 12. 昆明是春城。那里的天气一年四季都很好。 Kunming is the spring city. The weather there is always fine  all   year   round . is full of all year round 二 三 一 三、阅读表达 Dear Mario, I am in China now.I will stay here for sixmonths. Everything goes well with me. I hope youand Ellen are very well, too. 二 三 一 Today is Christmas Day. I think you must get many presents from your parents and friends. Now I am in Beijing. Things arevery different. ‘m very happy to see the “WhiteChristmas”. There is snow everywhere, and the snowis very thick(厚的)on the ground. I often go outto play with the snow with my friends. We make bigsnowmen and have snowball fights. We always have fun. 二 三 一 Now it’s very hot in Australia. Do you often goswimming I can’t swim here, but I’m learning toski. It’s really interesting. Please write to me soon. Yours, Daniel 二 三 一 13. Who writes the letter?  Daniel does./Daniel writes the letter.   14. How long does Daniel plan to stay in China?  For six months./Six months.  15. What season is it in Australia now?  It’s summer.  Daniel does./Daniel writes the letter.   For six months./Six months.  It’s summer.  二 三 一 16. What is Daniel learning in Beijing now?  Daniel is learning to ski.  17. How do you feel if you have a hot Spring Festival?  I will feel happy and excited. (合理即可)   Daniel is learning to ski.  I will fe ... ...

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