ID: 20932607

译林版(2019) 必修第一册 Unit 1 Back to School词汇学案(无答案)

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:98次 大小:25049B 来源:二一课件通
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必修一Unit 1 words 1. potential [p ten l] n.潜力;可能性 adj.潜力的,可能的 e.g. 1) I think Anna has a _____ new customer. 2) No other country has so many _____ food sources as China. 3) The company certainly has the _____ for growth. 4) There are many new ways to attract _____ customers. 5) Most importantly, your time and effort at senior high school will open the door to your potential. 2. senior [ si ni (r)] adj.中学的;级别高的;高级水平的;年老的 n.级别(或地位)较高者;较…年长的人;高水平运动员 e.g. 1) He is ten years senior to me. = _____. 2) Although my elder sister is only senior _____ me by two years, her thinking is more mature than mine. 3) 我迫不及待地想要向你们描述高中生活的模样。( can’t wait to do; what 引导的宾语从句) _____ 3. challenge [ t l nd ] n.&vt.挑战;质疑 e.g. 1) This new discovery _____ traditional beliefs. 2) You must feel _____ when you are switching yourselves from junior high students to senior high students, but remember when exposed to any _____ task, you shouldn’t lose heart, yet bravely accept the _____. 3) It’s my first time that I _____ my English teacher. 4) He challenged me _____ (play) another tennis game. 5) To be honest, I found the job a little bit _____ at the beginning. 6) Investment in arts could produce potential positive economic results. 7) The path before you leads to a world full of _____: a new environment, new knowledge and new ways of thinking. 4. path [pɑ θ] n.道路;小路;成功的路 e.g. 1) The path _____ through the trees to the river. (lead) 2) This path _____ to the summit. (lead) 3) When we move forward on an unknown path, we often feel frightened. 5. thinking n.思维,思想;想法 e.g. I’ve been doing some _____ about this question. 6. positive [ p z t v] adj.积极乐观的;良好的,正面的 e.g. 1) We’re all changing and learning all the time and mistakes are a _____ way to develop and grow. 2) He has a _____ attitude towards life. 7. opportunity [ p tju n ti] n.机会,时机 e.g. 1) I don’t want to miss this _____ to study abroad. 2) I’m going to take the _____ to ask for a raise. 3) There’s a _____ of rain tomorrow, so don’t forget your umbrella. 4) I’m waiting for the right _____ to start my own business. 5) I was given the _____ to present my research at the conference. 8. lie in 存在于,在于 e.g. The future of Africa or any generation _____ the youth. 9. rise to 能够处理 e.g. 1) She felt a warm blush _____ her cheeks. 2) We need to _____ the challenges. 10. acquire [ kwa (r)] vt.获得,得到 e.g. … you will have the opportunity to acquire great knowledge and enjoy personal growth. 11. effort [ ef t] n.努力,费力的事;试图 e.g. 1) Most importantly, your time and effort at senior high school will open the door to your potential. 2) 他们正在尽一切努力防止河水被污染。 _____ 3) 我将不遗余力地为即将到来的具有挑战的高中生活做好准备。 _____ 12. advance [ d vɑ ns] n.进步,进展;前进,行进 vt. & vi.发展,进步 e.g. 1) Who knows what beautiful works of art you will create, what medical advances yo ... ...

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