
Module 2 My home town and my countryUnit 3 Language in use 单元巩固练习题(含答案)

日期:2024-09-08 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:59次 大小:41307Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024—2025学年 八上外研 Module 2 Unit 3 单元巩固练习题 一、单项填空 ( )1. After taking tennis classes, Tim is much than last year. A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D. the strongest ( )2. Nothing is than a glass of water when you are thirsty. A. nice B. nicer C. nicest D. the nicest ( )3. The weather in Hong Kong is hotter than in Beijing in summer. A. that B. those C. one D. ones ( )4. Remember this, kids. The harder you work, the you will be. A. worse B. luckier C. easier ( )5.Nowadays travelling by high speed train is as as travelling by air in China. A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular 二、完形填空 Some students often have trouble learning English. They say the 1 takes up too much of their time. They have to read many passages, look up new words in the 2 and do lots of exercises. Even though they work hard, they still cannot get good grades on tests. “ 3 ” they ask. “How can I enjoy success ” The story of Chinese astronaut(航天员) Deng Qingming might help to answer 4 questions. Deng Qingming was chosen as an astronaut trainee(实习生) in 1998. That was long ago—you readers hadn't even been born yet. Since that day, he had spent almost all of his time training(训练)hard to become an astronaut. Over the years, Deng has seen his fellow trainees go into space(太空) one after another. He, 5 , was always a backup(后备 人 员). He often felt sad. Sometimes, he even 6 . Deng still tries his best for the dream. 7 he is now in his fifties, he keeps training hard. “I must be 8 whenever the chance(机会) comes to me,” he once said. Finally, on the night of November 29, 2022, he and two other astronauts boarded(登上) the Shenzhou-15 spacecraft and flew into space. Deng had waited 24 years for that very moment(时刻). So, if you want to give up learning English(or something else), 9 Deng Qingming's story. Your efforts(努力) might not succeed at once. But be patient(有耐心的), try to work hard and keep going. You may not have to wait many years for that moment 10 Deng. One day, success will knock at your door. ( )1. A. town B. country book D. subject ( )2. A. eraser B. notebook C. dictionary D. umbrella ( )3. A. Where B. When C. Why D. What ( )4. A. their B. your C. our D. my ( )5. A. truly B. however C. certainly D. maybe ( )6. A. cried B. laughed C. danced D. sang ( )7. A. But B. Although C. Unless D. Because ( )8. A. active B. free C. popular D. ready ( )9. A. think about B. care about C. put up D. stay up ( )10. A. like B. for C. with D. in 三、阅读理解 My home town is a small but beautiful town. I left my home town ten years ago. Now, when I came back, I found that it changed a lot. When I left, there were only a few small shops in my home town. Now, there is a big supermarket in the south of the town. And there are different kinds of things in it. There is also a new hotel. There was a great park there before, but people cut down all the trees. It is a pity(遗憾). In the north of the town, there was a town library. It wa ... ...

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