
人教版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 5 Music Listening and Speaking教案(表格式)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:80次 大小:213814Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高中英语必修二(人教版新课标)第5单元第1课时教案 Unit 5 Music Listening and Speaking Ⅰ. Background Information 1.Teaching material version: People’s Education Press edition 2.Lesson duration: 45 minutes 3.Lesson type: Listening & speaking 4.Target students: Freshman of senior high school (at the age of 15-17) 5.Teaching contents: an interview about music preference. Ⅱ. Teaching Aids Power Point, blackboard, pictures, video and audios. Ⅲ. Teaching Methods 1.Task-based language teaching 2.Communicative language teaching Ⅳ.Teaching Objectives At the end of the class, students should be able to: 1.understand the new words and expressions such as classical, hip-hop, energy, soul and so on. 2.grasp the general idea of the interview and learn more about how to express music preferences. 3.learn more about Paraphrase in listening activities and try to use it in their own communications naturally. 4.acquire the listening and reading ability about grabbing the key information from the conversations. 5.share their opinions about favorite music type clearly. Ⅴ. Key and Difficult Points 1.Key point: Help students to get the details of the interview quickly. 2.Difficult Points: Make students understand “paraphrase” in listening activities and help them apply it to their natural conversation; Help students to communicate with each other about music preference in English. Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures Major Steps Activities Justifications Pre-listening 5 minutes 1.Watch a video At the beginning of the class, the teacher will greet students and then show a video about some song pieces of different music types. And teacher will ask students to answer what type of music the teacher is playing. Teacher gives corresponding comments to students’ answers and meantime explain some new words. 2.Match the picture with the correct types of music. The teacher will guide students to do the match on the textbook. Then teacher and students will check answers together and the reason why choose them quickly. Before the lesson, through a short video and a simple match, teacher can attract students’ attention quickly, lead into the lesson topic, music. While-listening 25 minutes 1.Listen to the interview for the first time, and do the following tasks. (1)Before listening, the teacher will ask students to read the requirement of the listening task loudly and carefully to make sure that they know clearly what they should do while listening. (2)Students will listen it for the first time and try to draw lines between the words to make complete sentences.(pictured below) (3)Predict: Maybe some students will feel confused with the verb of the first sentence. The teacher will walk around and see if that's really the case teacher predicts. If yes, the teacher will raise the question: How do you know that the verb of the first sentence is “listen to” Through reading the requirements, students will have a clear goal for listening session and will develop the good habits of prepa ... ...

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