ID: 20937811

北师大版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 6 The Admirable Lesson 3 The superhero behind superman教学设计

日期:2025-02-11 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:23次 大小:2529042B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 6 The Admirable Lesson 3 The Superhero Behind Superman 主题语篇分析 主题语境/主题意义:人与社会 ———历史,社会与文化。文本描述美国著名演员Christopher Reeve事故前后生活的变化。其主题意义在于让学生认识到苦难、磨难的意义;辨证对待生活苦难,更积极思考苦难带给人生的历练。 语篇类型:人物记叙文 The Superhero Behind Superman。 语篇研读: 主要内容/what 课文是关于美国演员、导演和制片人克里斯托弗·里夫的故事。从1978年到1987年,克里斯托弗·里夫主演了四部《超人》电影,并因此获得了英国奥斯卡最佳新人奖。 1995年,他因一次意外事故而瘫痪,余生在轮椅上度过。1998年,Christopher Reeve重返荧幕,他创立了Christopher Reeve慈善基金组织。2004年10月,Christopher Reeve 因心脏病逝世。这样的一个人物不仅是电影中的超级英雄,在世人心中也是现实生活中超级英雄。 (The text is about the story of Christopher Reeve, an American actor, director and producer. From 1978 to 1987, Christopher Reeve starred in four Superman films , for which he won the most promising newcomer award of British Academy. In 1995, disaster struck Christopher Reeve. He fell off horse back and was severely injured, because of which he spent the rest of his life in the wheelchair. He returned to his film career in 1998. He also returned to his charity work. He founded the Christopher Reeve Charity. Christopher Reeve died of a heart attack in October 2004.Such a character is not only a movie superhero but also a superhero in real life in the minds of the world.) 文体结构/how 文章总共6段。 Paragraph 1是总起段,对Christopher Reeve的人物评价、概括 Paragraph 2是 Christopher Reeve 的早期生活。 Paragraph 3是Christopher Reeve 的演艺生涯和慈善活动 Paragraph 4是Christopher的不幸意外事故。 Paragraph 5是Christopher的各种康复努力和回归电影事业及慈善事业。 Paragraph 6是世人对Christopher的评价(其实也是Christopher对世人的影响意义)。 语言修辞/how Paragraph 1 使用了以下语言,wildly successful,the horror of life --threatening injury表达Christopher生活的巨变( to describe a striking contrast to Reeve's life change)。用一个倒装句 Not only is he known as a superhero in the Superman films, but he is also regarded as a superhero to many in real life.表达Christopher所做各种努力对人们的影响。 Paragraph 2用了一个让步状语从句although he believed ..,Reeve tried out for..表达他的勇敢尝试。 Paragraph 4 用了以下这些词语disaster, struck, severe injuries, did not believe that he would survive( Description of his severe injury描述事故的严重性), lost all hope nightmare, fell into a depression ( Description of his hopeless situation and despair)描述表现事故后他绝望的处境;It was only due to the ongoing support of his wife, parents and friends that he eventually found the will to live again.用这个强调句体现 Christopher强大精神力量的来源。 Paragraph 5用了以下词语achieve this goal ,engaged in,made remarkable progress,managed to return to描述Christopher进行各种努力康复。passionate, energetic advocate in support of ,positive ,confident 等词描写他帮助别人的态度以及他对生活的积极态度。 Paragraph 6用了 Sadly表达了世人对他的怀念纪念。 作者意图/why 苦难 ... ...

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