人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册 Unit 3 Sea Exploration Reading and Thinking教学设计(表格式)
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Unit 3 Sea Exploration Reaching out across the sea教学设计 教学设计 学科 高中英语 年级 高二 课题 Unit 3 Reading and thinking--Reaching out across the sea 教材 分析 本文体裁属于说明文,脉络清晰地介绍了中国从古至今的海洋探索历程。贯穿全文的是一条时间线:从早期的航海探索到明代郑和下西洋,再到现代的“一带一路”和中国海洋科考,最后表达对未来的展望。古今时间线的推进也伴随着人类逐步深化海洋探索的过程。文章第一段开宗明义,指出贸易往来和对世界的好奇心驱使着人类探索未知的世界,列举马可波罗哥伦布等知名西方航海家,接着话锋一转,提到更早之前东方就有向西方航行的探险活动,从而引出中国的海洋探索历史。第二段介绍了古代丝绸之路,特别是海上丝绸之路的产生与发展和对沿线地区的经贸往来和文化传播的促进作用。第二段以中国唐代杜环的《经行记》为例,展现了早期东西方的交流。第三段讲述明代郑和下西洋拓展中外交流的壮举。文中用 a sight to behold a league of their own time 等词组形容郑和率领的船队,用gestures of friendship 来描述中国与非洲国家之间的友好往来,呈现当时明朝的繁荣昌盛与中国悠久的和平外交传统。第四段承接上文指出如今的中国继续海洋探索,并介绍了“一带一路”。这段重点介绍了“21 世纪海上丝绸之路”以及现代海洋贸易延续古代丝路促进沿线经贸和文化交流的作用。这突出了在全球化背景下,不断深化中国和世界其他地区的合作,推动互利共赢、经贸发展、文明交流互鉴的重要意义。第五段介绍当代中国在海洋探索领域开展的其他国际合作,以南极为例,阐释海洋科考对于研究气候变化等全球问题的重要性。第六段总结全文,展望未来--伴随着科技的进步,中国将继续开拓进取,深化海外合作。 教学目标 By the end of the class, you will be able to understand: the type of the text the basic structure of the text the significance of the Belt and Road Initiative(the BRI) 教学重难点 教学重点: Learn the history of China’s sea exploration。 教学难点: Understand the significance of protecting the sea and the Belt and Road Initiative. 教学过程 Activity 1: Read for main idea and structure What type of essay is this text Narrative. B.Descriptive. C. Expository. D.Argumentative 2 .What’s the main idea of the text A.China’s sea exploration in the past and now B.The Silk Road C.The Belt and Road Initiative D.China’s achievements in exploration 3. Focus on the key words and summarize how is the passage developed A. time sequence B.problem and solution C. compare and contrast D.cause and effect 4. What’s the main idea of each paragraph Para1introduction to the topicPara2~3in the pastPara4~5at presentPara6in the future Activity 2: Reading for details 1. Why did the early explorers search for sea routes A. They wanted to find the routes from east to west. B. They wanted to discover the mysteries of the sea. C. They were inspired by Marco Polo’s tales. D. They were driven by curiosity and the need to trade. 2. How did ancient China trade with other countries A. By overland trading B. By using the Silk Road and sea routes C. By inviting foreign merchants to China D. By negotiating with explorers of other countries Activity 3: Fill in the blanks paragraph by paragraph. Discuss paragraph3-5 in groups and underline the sentences about Reg ... ...