ID: 20944188

人教版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Reading for Writing教学设计

日期:2024-10-17 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:73次 大小:167325B 来源:二一课件通
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Book 3 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Reading for writing Teaching Objectives linguistic ability Read fables to understand the content of the stories and their moral implications learning ability Able to tell the story according to the sequence of events cultural awareness Cultivate good qualities thinking capacity Learn to look at problems rationally and develop critical thinking Teaching Key and Difficult Points 1. Guide students to analyze the deep connotation of moral stories through the comparison of characters' words and deeds 2. Students are encouraged to express their opinions and opinions based on real life cases 3. Instruct students to write a story critique with a clear point of view Teaching Aids:multi-media,blackboard Teaching Process Step1 leading in Activity 1: Guessing game:What is the title of the story The Tortoise and The Hare The Snake and the Farmer Blind imitation with ludicrous effection Activity 2: Match the story with the lesson it teaches people Activity 3: Ask students “What will you do if you come across(偶然遇到) a big stone in the middle of the road ” Step2 pre-writing ①Fast-reading Task 1: What is the type of text Task 2: Read and try to tell the main ideas of each part. Task 3: Identify the structure of the passage. ②Careful-reading Task 4(Para.1-Para.2):Fill in the blanks. Task 5(Para.3-Para.7):Fill in the blanks(A2 P21) Task 6(Para.8-Para.9 ):True or false 1.The girl moved the stone,but got nothing. 2.The king found the person who has learnt the lesson he wanted to teach his people. Task7: Read for the plot Task8: Discuss: Do you think the king was wise Why or why not Step3 while-writing Provide students with some useful expressions Students write a review of the fable“孔融让梨”. Use the outline below to help you.(A4 P21) Step4 post-writing Pair work: Exchange drafts. Use the checklist to give feedback on your partner’s draft.(A5 P21) Homework Rewrite your review Blackboard Designs Teaching Reflection In this lesson, I give students writing templates and some useful expressions, so that students can quickly clarify the structure and framework of writing which reduce the difficulty of writing. From the perspective of classroom effect, students can actively participate in imitation and writing, and gradually construct their own articles with the help of templates, which is conducive to cultivating their good writing habits.

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