
外研版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 6 Earth First Understanding ideas教案(表格式)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:57次 大小:256154Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课题 Sharks:Dangerous or Endangered 课型 Reading 教学目标 Students are required to achieve the following objectives in this course: 语言知识:Get the main idea of this reading and master some words and expressions. 文化意识:Know the importance of wildlife protection and what we can do to protect wildlife. 学习技能:Have a good command of some writing skills related to environment. 思维能力:Think about how to live in harmony with nature by critical thinking. 教学重难点 教学重点:Get to know more words and expressions about protecting endangered animals. 教学难点:Express opinions about how to live in harmony with nature by critical thinking. 教学方法 Task-based reading:Work in pairs. 教学工具 PPT;video;blackboard 教学流程 教学步骤 课堂活动 设计意图 Step 1: Organization Teachers and students say hello. Analyze article titles. Sharks:Dangerous or Endangered Have a test about daily words Spell out the verbs Spelling out words related to the environment. Awaken the classroom, reserve vocabulary, for the text reading preparation Step 2: Class presentation Arrange the following activities before class for students to show in class: Learn as much as you can about great white sharks and have knowledge contests in class,and have a knowledge contests. Look at the pictures and tick the words that you would use to describe sharks. Background information on demand, with students’ feelings as the clue, enter the topic Step 3: Reading Fast reading Read the passage quickly and match each paragraph with its main idea. Careful reading Read the passage carefully and answer the questions. Post reading Look through the text quickly and finish the following activities. 1.Choose the author’s purpose in writing the passage.(Highlight the evidence while reading.) To criticise Peter Benchley's misleading description of sharks in his book and advocate the protection of sharks. To explain people's misunderstanding of sharks and raise awareness of shark protection. To inform people about sharks and recommend the film and the book to them. 2.Read the passage again and complete the chart with words and phrases. Read quickly to get the main content of the article Read and integrate the detailed information of the text, with students’ opinions throughout the text, in order to find emotional changes. Integrate the content of the article to arouse students’ awareness of protecting wild animals;Help students to distill and summarize the main information Step 4: Summary Discuss the questions: Is sharks dangerous or endangered Summarize the text, stick to the theme, improve student awareness Step 5: Think and Share Discuss the questions: 1)What other animals look dangerous but in fact endangered 2)What should we do to protect them The discussion concluded that how to protect animals is intended to arouse students’ attention to respect for nature Step 5: Homework 1)Find the following words and expressions and analyze their meanings. 2)Analyze the sentence elements and m ... ...

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