
外研版(2019)必修第二册Unit 6 Earth First Developing Ideas P68-71 课件(共45张PPT)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:52次 大小:12409087Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 6 Earth First 新外研必修Book 2 Developing Ideas P68-70 Learning objectives In this class, you will read and find out if the four “green truths” are true or false; read and find out the details about the “green truths”; think and share what you can do to become “greener”; summarize how to write a persuasive letter by reading sample passage; write your own persuasive letter. Reading Writing Lead-in Watch and think. Do you support "green living" What should we do to protect environment in our daily life 1. Which shopping bag is more environmentally friendly A plastic bag. A paper bag. Neither of these. Look at the questions about "green living" and tick your answers. Pre-reading 2. What should you do to save energy when leaving your home Turn off a device. Unplug a device. Neither of these. Look at the questions about "green living" and tick your answers. Pre-reading 3. What food is better for the environment Food produced near to where you live. Food produced far from where you live. It depends. Look at the questions about "green living" and tick your answers. Pre-reading 4. Which uses less water Taking a bath. Taking a shower. It depends. Look at the questions about "green living" and tick your answers. Pre-reading Read the four subheadings in the passage and decide if they are true or false. Learning to learn As subheadings expand on the main heading or title, they can be slightly longer than the main heading. Although not every paragraph needs a subheading, they can be skimmed to give the reader an overall understanding of the content of a text. While-reading Paper shopping bags are better than plastic ones. When you turn off a device, it stops using power. Eating local food is good for the environment. It’s better to take a shower than a bath. Read the four subheadings in the passage and decide if they are true or false. While-reading Now read the passage to know more. While-reading Paper shopping bags are better than plastic ones. When you turn off a device, it stops using power. Eating local food is good for the environment. It’s better to take a shower than a bath. Check your answer. Read and check Paper shopping bags are better than plastic ones. Let’s figure out how these statements go wrong. Making a paper bag uses four times as much energy as making a plastic bag and up to three times the amount of water. The process also produces more greenhouse gases. In fact, both kinds of bags are bad for the environment. So, take a reusable bag with you when you go shopping. Green advice Read and check When you turn off a device, it stops using power. Let’s figure out how these statements go wrong. When we turn off a device, such as television, it goes into stand-by mode. Devices in this mode still use power, and older devices in stand-by mode can use even more. To make sure your appliance is in fact off, remove the plug from its power supply. Green advice Read and check ... ...

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