
外研版(2019)必修第二册Unit 6 Earth first Using Language Ⅱ P66-67 课件 (共35张PPT)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:38次 大小:1774677Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 6 Earth First 新外研必修Book 2 Using Language Ⅱ P66-67 Learning objectives In this class, you will grasp some expressions related to global warming; discuss what you can do to help deal with global warming; listen for the topics that are covered in the lecture; listen for the detailed information in the lecture; talk about recycling; make a conversation about an environmental problem. Part one Dealing with global warming Share what you know about these expressions. Water conservation is the practice of using water efficiently to reduce unnecessary water usage. Water conservation is important because fresh clean water is a limited resource, as well as a costly one. Conservation of this natural resource is critical for the environment. An LED light bulb is a solid-state lighting (SSL固态照明) device that fits in standard screw-in(螺纹式的) connections but uses LEDs to produce light. LED light bulbs are a more environmentally-friendly alternative to incandescent bulbs(白炽灯). LED bulbs use a semiconductor (半导体) device that emits visible light when an electric current passes through it. Renewable energy is energy derived from natural sources that are replenished(补充) at a higher rate than they are consumed. Sunlight and wind, for example, are such sources that are constantly being replenished. Renewable energy sources are plentiful and all around us. Here are a few common sources of renewable energy: solar energy, wind energy, geothermal(地热) energy, hydropower(水力发电), ocean energy, bioenergy(生物能). A carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gases — primarily carbon dioxide — released into the air by a particular human activity. For example, when you drive a car, the engine burns fuel which creates a certain amount of greenhouse gases. When you heat your house with coal or electricity, you also generate greenhouse gases. Even the production of food and goods emits some quantities of greenhouse gases. Together these emissions make up a carbon footprint. Greenhouse effect is the way in which heat is trapped close to Earth’s surface by “greenhouse gases.” These heat-trapping(吸热的) gases can be thought of as a blanket wrapped around Earth, keeping the planet toastier(更温暖的) than it would be without them. Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane(甲烷), nitrous oxides(氮氧化物), and water vapor(蒸汽). A reusable water bottle is one made from a sturdier(更坚固的) and safer material. Reusable water bottles are both a convenient way to stay hydrated(补水) and an easy way to reduce your environmental footprint. It’s estimated that purchasing bottled water costs up to 1,000 times more than tap water, so the savings can be phenomenal(惊人的). Complete the brochure with the expressions related to global warming. Six things you can do NOW to help stop global warming Reduce waste by choosing reusable products - get a(n) 1 _____, for example. reusable water bottl ... ...

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