
外研版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 6 Survival基础知识检测(含答案)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:52次 大小:17134Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2025届高三总复习新外研版高中英语选择性必修二 Book 5 Unit 6 Survival 基础知识检测 I.单词互译 1._____adj.城市的,城镇的 2._____adj.海滨的 3._____v.估计,估算 4._____n.燃料 5._____adv.在室内 6._____n.尘土,沙土 7._____adj.贪婪的,贪心的 8._____v.欣赏;赏识 9._____adj.乐观的 10.astronaut n._____ 11.predator n._____ 12.flourish v._____ 13.container n._____ 14.suburb n._____ 15.supplement v._____ 16.eliminate v._____ 17.nuclear adj._____ 18.unmanned adj._____ Ⅱ.短语填空 fit in with amount to out of reach consist of react to under construction; 1.In western countries,restaurant tips may_____as much as 15%of your bill. 2.Some advertisements_____pictures or the words of experts to show people how good the products are. 3.Only when we_____emergencies in life calmly can we solve problems in a better way. 4. As far as I know, the tallest building which will open next year is_____. 5.There is no doubt that production of the goods must_____the needs of the society. 6.As the box was_____on the shelf,the little boy brought a chair to stand on. Ⅲ.词性转换 1.He is a_____man. Nothing can stop his_____for money.(greedy) 2.Determined to learn the_____technology abroad, he has made_____preparations and applied for a passport in_____. He believes he will make great_____in this field and be far in_____of his classmates.(advance) 3.They were_____at the_____news that all the passengers on the plane were killed.(terrify) 4.It's not right to be_____to too strong sunlight,for long-time_____to strong sunlight does harm to their skin.(expose) 5.The_____is too small and it can only_____about 100ml water.(contain) IV.语法填空 1.Rabbits and_____(fox)are very common on the grassland while tigers are rare. 2.It is_____(crucial)important that we take action to cope with the incident. 3.It’s clear that we want to expose the kids_____as much art and culture as possible. 4.It’s an apparent fact that plants, like animals,often have_____(restrict)habitats. 5.There is no doubt that it would be safer for a_____(hike)to wear a pair of jeans. 6.It_____(estimate)that ecology has been damaged in this area, which has shocked the scientists a lot. 7.As a matter of fact, I'd appreciate_____if you could make some comments on my work. 8.And I even joined the local.fishing club and started attending the_____(month)meetings. 9.With the desert_____(transform)into the oasis,many people settled down there. 10.Mr.Wang is just one of the victims,from whose house_____(thief)stole substantial money. V.单句写作 1.毫无疑问,熬夜更有可能导致人过分焦虑。(doubt) _____staying up is more likely to result in over-anxiety. 2.生活既有阳光,也有艰难的时候。(consist of) Life_____. 3.昨天他父亲才把真相告诉他,这对他来说真是一个大大的惊喜。(only+状语) _____, which was a big surprise to him. 4.如果你能帮我学英语,我将不胜感激。(appreciate) _____you could help me with my English. 5.人们曾认为地球是宇宙的中心。(同位语从句) People used to hold the belief_____. 参考答案: I. 1.urban; 2. seaside; 3. estimate; 4.fuel; 5. ... ...

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