
人教版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Reading and Thinking教学设计(表格式)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:54次 大小:24705Byte 来源:二一课件通
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必修三Unit 3: Diverse Cultures Reading & Thinking教学设计 授课教师 学科 英语 授课时间 授课班级 单元名称 必修三Unit 3: Diverse Cultures 本节课时 单元第1节 本节课题 Reading & Thinking: A City with Diverse Cultures 课型 阅读课 文本分析 【What】本单元阅读语篇为旅行日志,聚焦来自中国的李兰于美国旧金山旅行的一日见闻。旧金山作为美国西海岸第二大城市,汇聚了来自世界各地不同的民族与文化,是一座多元文化之城。文章以李兰的第一人称视角走进旧金山的大街小巷,展现出多元文化和谐相处、欣欣向荣的景象。 【Why】本文体裁为旅行日志,以作者第一视角展现了在旧金山游览一天的经历见闻,之中穿插作者所思所想,拉近与读者的距离,更容易让读者体会多元文化的和谐与奥妙。 【How】本文结构清晰,要点明确。作者以第一人称视角为导向,采用了丰富且日常的文风,很容易让读者产生共情、身临其境感受多元文化的碰撞与交融;在行文顺序上,采用了清晰的时间顺序,按照作者的旅行计划,一步步将旧金山的历史、文化向读者揭示出来,层层递进、发人深省。 学情分析 本班学生学习态度认真,学习热情高。大部分同学已基本具备在阅读中获取细节信息的能力,少部分同学能用英语自如地表达观点。但大部分学生在理解和整合知识、逻辑推理和分析论证观点、批判评价方面处于较简单的水平。 本单元主题为多元文化探索,意在培养学生正确面对多元文化的意识,梳理尊重、平等、包容的文化理念。经过前几节课听、说、读的铺垫,学生积累了一定的表达,对旧金山这座城市以及多元文化有了初步认知。 教学目标与核心素养 By the end of the class, students will be able to browse and organize Li Lan's observations and insights during her day in San Francisco, and experience the charm of multiculturalism through the first person perspective of the article; comprehend the reinforcement of emotions by special sentence structures based on the grasp of special expressions (such as exclamation sentences) in the article; connect personal life and reflect on the opportunities and challenges brought by multiculturalism think about how to turn challenges into opportunities and improve personal qualities by a debate 重难点 Master the usage of key words and phrases. Improve the students’ ability to classify and organize information. Enable the students to understand the benefits and challenges of cultural diversity. 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Daily routine Step 1 Warm up The teacher greets the whole class as usual. Activate students and remind them to concentrate. Lead-in Step 2 Q&A 1. Before class, the teacher shows the map of United States and asks the following question: -Look at the picture, do you know which country it is Then the teacher presents some pictures about San Francisco and ask students another question: Which city is it The students try to guess what the city is. The teacher show the map of San Francisco and lead the students to learn about it by the map and fill the blanks Follow the leading of the teacher and try to answer the questions. Use image media to stimulate students' thinking on the theme of the article, and introducing the concept of a multicultural city. Students establish a preliminary understanding of multiculturalism through analogy and ... ...

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