
2024年高考英语真题(新高考II卷)听力 解读分析

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:65次 大小:214528Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2024年高考英语真题(新高考II卷)听力 解读分析学案 I. 第一节(共5段对话,每段对话仅读一遍)M: Did you watch the talent show on TV last night W: No, I missed it. I went with my mom to buy some clothes.1.What did the woman do yesterday evening A.She watched TV. B.She went shopping.C.She attended a show. W: I love this park. It’s so beautiful.M: It surely is. Are you tired Shall we stop by the lake for a few minutes (2)W: Good idea. Let’s go to that cafe for a little refreshment. 2.What is the man's suggestion A.Taking a rest.B.Going for a coffee.C.Having a snack.W: Tom, shall we invite the Smiths around for dinner this Sunday M: Sure. But I need to pack for Monday’s business trip. What about Saturday W: Okay. (3)3.What are the speakers mainly talking about A.A weekend plan.B.A wedding invitation.C.A business deal.M: Barbara, do you want to play table tennis with us tonight W: I’d love to, but I can’t. I’m catching the last train to Denver to see my grandma. (4) I need to take her to visit a doctor tomorrow morning. 4.Where is Barbara going tonight A.To a gym. B.To her grandma's. C.To the doctor's.W: Alex, did you feed the cat this morning I don’t think she can wait.M: All right, after I finish this chapter. I just can’t let go of this book. (5)5.What is Alex doing A.He's having breakfast.B.He's feeding a cat.C.He's reading a book.第二节:M: Miss, do you need any help W: I want to get fit, but exercise doesn’t seem to help. M: What kind of exercise have you done before W: I did jogging now and then, but it was so boring. So I changed to weight lifting, but it was so demanding. And I was afraid of getting injured, so I went bike riding.M: Oh, I see. You need to be consistent. I suggest you do different kinds of exercise on one day or on different days of the week. (7) This will help hold your interest, so you can keep coming back. 6.Where does the conversation probably take place A.In a fitness center.B.In a sports shop.C.In a clinic.7.What does the man advise the woman to do A.Buy high-quality sportswear.B.Keep working out regularly.C.Avoid over-exercising.W: Hello, Brown’s Grill. How may I help you (8)M: Hi. I’d like to book a table for Friday evening. (8) (9)W: Okay. How many people are there in your party M: There will be six. W: And what time would you like to come M: Let’s say at 6:30.W: I’m afraid we don’t have anything available then. We could seat you at 5:30 or 8:00. (9)M: Oh, 8:00 is better. (9)W: Fine. May I have your name (10)M: Yes, it’s Anderson. (10)W: Thank you. We’ll see you on Friday. By the way, we’ve moved to Howard Street.M: Oh, yeah. I know. Thanks.8.Why does the man make the call A.To reserve a table.B.To ask about a party.C.To postpone a meeting.9.What time should the man arrive on Friday evening A.At 5:30. B.At 6:30. C.At 8:00.10.What is the man's name A.Brown. B.Anderson. C.Howard. W: Jacob, do you have a minute now M: Sure.W: Well, it’s n ... ...

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