
人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit3 Diverse Cultures Reading and Thinking 课件(共29张PPT)+视频

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:92次 大小:47359803Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 3 DIVERSE CULTURES Warming- up Watch and do a quiz What information can you get from the video Do a quiz! 1. The US stands for_____. 2. There are _____ states in the USA. 3. The capital city of the US is_____. 4. The presidents house is called_____. 5. The US is the _____largest country in the world. 6. The city with the most people is_____. 7. The longest river in the US is_____. 8. The currency of the country is_____. the United States of America 50 the New York city the White House fourth Washington DC the Mississippi River US Dollars Watch and answer: What information can you get from the video Learn about a city that has diverse cultures To read a travel journal and know the city of San Francisco. To understand and think about how a city had a diverse culture. To learn to classify information. To be able to apply what the students have learned to their own experience. Do you know where San Francisco lies in the USA What makes it beautiful and special Watch the video to know about the city. Learn about a city that has diverse cultures Find San Francisco on the map. Look at the map carefully and fill in the blanks with information about San Francisco. San Francisco is located in the north-west _____, the midpoint of the west coast in the United States. It is the third largest city of California. It is the second biggest port of the _____ Ocean, covering an area of 119 _____ _____ and having a population of 750,000. It’s surrounded by _____ on three sides. California Pacific square kilometers sea Some places and information about San Francisco. Golden Gate Bridge The Redwood Forest Napa Valley Mission District Chinatown in San Francisco An earthquake occurred in San Francisco in 1906 Gold Rush Scan Li Lan’s travel journal and find out Li Lan’s route. The Redwood Forest Napa Valley Mission District local musum Chinatown Richmond District Classify and organise information We can better understand a passage by classifying or organising information in it. Classifying means deciding the kind of information, e.g. dates, numbers, opinions. Organising means putting things in order, e.g. according to how old, how much, what kind. Sometimes it’s a good idea to draw a diagram to organise the information in the passage. camped in the Redwood Forest; visited Napa Valley Before coming to San Francisco Read the travel journal again and complete the timeline of Li Lan’s trip. went to Chinatown ate at a Cantonese restaurant evening will go to a Jazz bar in the Richmond District tomorrow walked around the Mission District that is now a centre for art, music and food with people from… ate Mexican-Chinese noodles from a food truck morning headed to a local museum learned about the history about California afternoon What impressed the writer first about San Francisco 2. What is so special about the Mission District The beautiful old buildings, many sitting on top of big hills. The Mission ... ...

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