ID: 20956977

人教版(2019) 选择性必修第四册 Unit 2 Iconic Attractions Learning About Language教案

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:29次 大小:17612B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 Iconic Attractions Lesson 3 Review Useful Structures 第 周 第 课时 总第 课时 教学目标 在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 更牢固地掌握过去分词的功能和用法; 基于所学的过去分词的知识找出并更正语篇中动词使用的错误; 在语篇中正确恰当的运用过去分词。 教学重点 过去分词作为表语,定语,状语,宾语补足语的的功能和用法。 教学难点 学生搭建如何在语篇中正确合理地使用过去分词的脚手架,帮助和引导学生内化语法知识并在语篇中输出。 四.教学方法 教师讲授,演示及启发;课堂练习巩固;小组讨论 五.教学工具 教材、多媒体课件、多媒体设备 六.课前预习内容 Review Useful Structures 归纳过去分词作为表语,定语,状语,宾语补足语的的功能和用法 七.教学过程 Step 1. Discovering useful structures (3分钟) T introduces the aims of the lesson; guides Ss to identify the past participles in the passage in “Reading and Thinking” and ask them to think the functions of them. Step2.目标展示(2分钟) --Learning useful structures T: guides Ss to sum up functions and usages of past participle by analyzing the past participles Ss identified in the reading passage. Step 3. Practising structures.(12分钟) Ss do some exercises of past participles used as object complement in the workbook; T guides Ss to sum up some rules of past participle used as object complement; Ss do some blank filling exercises of past participles used as attribute, adverbial and object complement and try to rewrite some sentences without using past participles; Ss read a passage about Eiffel Tower and try to correct some verb form mistakes based on the knowledge of past participles. Step 4. Applying structures (10分钟) T guides Ss to introduce the iconic attraction of Guangzhou-Canton Tower by translating some sentences into English; Ss try to translate sentences introducing Canton Tower, using past participles that serve as attribute, adverbial, object complement and then put the sentences together to make a passage. Step 5. Homework(2分钟) Finish Ex.1 and Ex. 3 on p. 69 in Ss’ workbook; Review what Ss have learned today. Step 6.本课小结(4分钟) 授课对象为高二学生。学生已经阅读过文章,故本节课的任务主要是通过习题掌握文章中出现的重点词/短语。并在对长难句进行分析后,仿写句式,为写作打基础。本单元词汇并不难,可要求学生当堂掌握。 八.板书设计: Unit 2 Iconic attractions Lesson 2 Review Useful Structures 1.Ss do some exercises of past participles used as object complement in the workbook; 2.T guides Ss to sum up some rules of past participle used as object complement; 3.Ss do some blank filling exercises of past participles used as attribute, adverbial and object complement and try to rewrite some sentences without using past participles; 4.Ss read a passage about Eiffel Tower and try to correct some verb form mistakes based on the knowledge of past participles. 九.学生考勤: 十.课后反思: 1.本节课成功之处 2. 本节课失败之处 改进措施 ... ...

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