
外研版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 6 Survival Understanding ideas 课件(共22张PPT,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:22次 大小:22729543Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) The Wild Within 选择性必修二 Unit6 Lead-in:watch a short cartoon, tell me what happened . The video shows a group of monkeys broke into the human habitat and caused a series of damage, such as taking away human watches, jewellery, etc . 1.Where would you normally expect to find them woodland grassland wetland forests mountains… The wild animals are expected to be in the wild. fox/f ks/狐狸 leopard/ lep d/豹 bear/be (r)/熊 racoon /r ku n/浣熊 chacma baboon / t km / /b bu n/ hedgehog / hed h ɡ/刺猬 2. Would you be surprised to see these animals in a city Why or why not 狐狸:伦敦街头一霸 The wild animals are expected to be in the wild. More and more wild animals live with human in the cities/urban areas. Predict based on the title and pictures What does the title mean The wild animals within cities. Where are the wild within cities rubbish bins high buildings street lamp The Wild Within What challenges would they meet within cities without shelter get trapped being killed Read for topic sentences What does the text mainly talk about A.Wild animals enter cities. B.Why wild animals enter cities. C.How to deal with wild animals in cities. D.What benefits of cities wild animals can get. A Para. 1 Para. 3 Para. 4 Para. 6 Read for the main idea of each paragraph A.Means of survival. B. A chacma baboon robs a car. C.Birds crash into windows. D.Who invades who E.The new habitats. F.The newcomers in the cities. Para. 2 Para. 5 Read the rest paragraphs and find the answers page 84 b d a c reasons benefits ability to adapt Dangerous or even deadly adaption danger Organise information from the passage and complete the diagram. Reasons for migration Urban development and climate change push the animal 1_____. Wherever they go, animals find towns and cities in their way. With nowhere else to make their homes, they have no choice but to move in with us. 2 Benefits of cities for animals Appealing spaces as habitats. 3 Out of reach from many of their natural predators, these newcomers often flourish in their new city lives. 4 Hungry animals are finding plenty to eat in our gardens and in the leftovers we throw away. out of their natural habitats Animals’ adaption to cities Urban animals are more Some animals have even changed their living habits to fit in with their new homes. 6 5 Dangers for some animals 7 Unable to distinguish between blue sky and glass, birds crash into windows. 8 Some birds have yet to change their migratory routes that take them through cities with high-rise buildings. intelligent than their wild cousins. We should learn to better understand and appreciate our wild neighbours, and 9 look towards harmoniously sharing our urban habitats. Post-reading Think & Share: What should we do to live in harmony with wild animals protect the environment to give them a comfortable space to live in To live in harmony with wild animals, we should plant trees to provide them with more nature ... ...

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