ID: 20962380

人教版(2019) 选择性必修第四册 Unit 2 Iconic Attractions Learning About Language教案

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:50次 大小:19519B 来源:二一课件通
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新人教版 选择性必修四 Unit 2 ICONIC ATTRACTIONS Learning About Language【教案】 Teaching Objectives By the end of this section, students will be able to: identify words based on their meanings in English; grasp some words that have similar forms but different meanings; use words they have learnt to complete a passage; experience Thailand’s iconic attractions. Teaching Theme 该部分活动为巩固和拓展学习本单元已出现的重点词汇而设计。活动1让学生通过英文释义理解、巩固部分单词。活动2通过四组句子中所含的同形(同音)异义词(homonyms)拓展学生对于词义词性的认识,引导学生关注英语单词中这一类的词,注意积累词汇。活动3的语篇介绍了泰国具有代表性的旅游资源和活动,为学生迁移运用重点词汇提供了新的语境。 Teaching key points 1. Guide students to identify words according to their English meaning; 2. Guide students to master some homonyms; 3. Guide students to complete the article by using the vocabulary they have learned. Teaching Difficulties 引导学生体验泰国的标志性风物。 Teaching procedures Step 1 Review 引导学生根据思维导图回顾博客中提到的澳大利亚的代表风物,复习已经学过的话题词汇。 Step 2 Practice 让学生完成活动1,根据英文释义,从Reading and Thinking板块所学的词汇中搜索单词进行匹配。 让学生完成活动2,分析句子,比较词义,掌握同形(同音)异义词。 让学生完成活动3,用所示词汇的正确形式完成所示语篇。接着阅读该语篇,思考如下问题: What type of writing is it and what does it talk about What kind of iconic attractions can you find in this passage What is the writing purpose of this passage How do you know that Does this advertisement attract you What iconic attraction attracts you most and why What does the last sentence in the passage make you think about What can we do to make our iconic attractions popular and at the same time well-protected Step 3 Homework Review the meanings and usages of the words we have learnt in this lesson. Complete related exercises on Page 68. 新人教版 选择性必修四 Unit 2 ICONIC ATTRACTIONS Learning About Language--Review useful structures教案 Teaching Objectives By the end of this section, students will be able to: find examples of past participles in diary entries they have read and identify the purposes of their use; review the usage of the past participle; use the past participle to complete some exercises, like correcting mistakes; learn how to use the past participle to introduce iconic attractions. Teaching Theme 该部分复习之前学习过的非谓语动词中的过去分词。过去分词可用作定语、状语、表语和宾语补足语。本部分的活动设计强调归纳和运用。 Teaching key points Guide students to find out the sentences containing past participles from the previous texts and analyze their functions; Guide students to review the use of past participles; Guide students to use the past participle to complete relevant exercises Teaching Difficulties 引导学生学会用过去分词介绍标志性风物。 Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in 带领学生一起回顾过去分词的用法,激活学生已有的背景知识。 Step 2 Presentation 让学生完成活动1,找出Reading and Thinking板块的阅读语篇中含有过去分 ... ...

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