
人教版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 5 The Value of Money Reading and Thinking课件(共21张PPT)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:57次 大小:13272447Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 The Value of Money Reading and Thinking: Read about a bet between two wealthy men Class report To the listener: 1.Listen carefully. 2.Ready to ask questions or make comments. To the speaker: 1.Be confident. 2.Be loud. 3.Clear pronunication. 4.Use eye contact. Learning Objectives 1. Recognize people’s different attitudes towards money by reading relative materials. co 2. Explore the true value of money by reading excerpts from the script of The Million Pound Bank Note. 3. Voice your view of money and form the right attitude towards money. OMG !!! Imagination What would you do if you had a million-pound bank note save them use them up donate buy a big house run a business spend them on food clothing toys share with friends trip do some science research help others Self study Fast reading Read the passage quickly and answer questions. Q1: What’s the type of this passage Q2: What are the basic elements of this type of passage A. A novel. B. A biography. C. A play. √ Title of play Scene Character names Narration Lines of dialogue Stage directions Characterization 性格化 Action 动作化 Colloquialism 口语化 title of play 剧本题目 scene 场次 character names 人物 lines台词 (lines of dialogue 对话, narration 旁白, monologue 独白) stage directions 舞台说明(括号里斜体部分) The most important two parts of a play. The basic elements of the play Careful reading Task1: Read the play carefully and finish the table. Task2: Have a discussion with your group member. 1. Group work, all rise. 2. The group leader should be well organized, take the lead and arouse the enthusiasm of the group members. 3. The team members actively participated and expressed their opinions and doubts. Self study Read for the plot When What happened Personality When in America A month ago Towards nightfall The next morning Later After he arrived in London While walking outside the two brothers' house At last Read for the plot Read for the plot When What happened Personality When in America Henry worked for a mining company. honest hard-working frank \ direct independent optimistic A month ago Henry was sailing out of the bay. Towards nightfall Henry found himself carried out to sea by a strong wind. The next morning Henry was spotted by a ship. Later Henry landed in Britain by accident. After he arrived in London Henry was lost in London and wandering in the street. While walking outside the two brothers' house They invited him in. At last Roderick gave Henry a letter with money in it. Task 3: Read for feelings 1. Who Me, sir 2. Well, I can't say that I have any plans. As a matter of fact, I landed in Britain by accident. 3. I'm afraid I don't quite follow you, sir. 4. Well, it may seem lucky to you but not to me! If this is your idea of some kind of joke, I don't think it's very funny. 5. Well, why don't you explain what this is all about Role play What do you think will happen next Role play (角色扮演)the scene w ... ...

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