
2025届高考英语专题复习 考点剖析专题一 阅读理解记叙类专练(含解析)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:24次 大小:46341Byte 来源:二一课件通
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专题一 阅读理解记叙类专练———2025届高考英语考点剖析精创专题卷 考点01:主旨大意题 (7题 20题 32题 40题) 考点02:细节理解题 (1-2题 5-6题 9题 13题 18-19题 22-23题 25题 34-36题 38-39题) 考点03:推理判断题 (3-4题 8题 10-12题 15-17题 21题 24题 27-31题) 考点04:词义猜测题 (14题 26题 33题 37题) 阅读理解(共40小题;每小题2.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 一、 Ida Nelson was luxuriating in her sauna(桑拿) when she heard the thunder of a small airplane circling the nearby airport. It was 11:30 at night in the Alaskan village of Igiugig, population 70, and, as she told the New York Times, “Any time a plane flies over that late, you know something is wrong.” Nelson leaped out of the sauna, ran to the window, and saw the problem: The airport’s runway lights were out. Nelson threw on some clothes, jumped into her ATV, and floored it to the airport, where she found a local pilot trying to turn on the lights manually. “Normally, if you push the button 10 or 15 times, the lights will just light up,” Nelson said. Not this time. Meanwhile, she and the pilot learned of the plane’s urgent mission: It was a medevac(救伤直升机), there to transport a seriously ill local girl to the nearest hospital, 280 miles away in Anchorage. Nelson had a plan. Driving her ATV to the end of the runway, she switched her headlights on for the plane to follow. Great idea, but it wasn’t enough. More light was needed, so a neighbor called nearly every home in the village—32 of them. Within 20 minutes, 20 vehicles arrived at the airport, many of the drivers still in pajamas(睡衣). Following directions from the medevac pilot, the cars lined up on one side of the runway. The medevac made its final approach and, guided by the headlights, landed safely. The young patient was loaded onto the aircraft, and the plane immediately took off again. Her illness was never publicly revealed, but she has since been released from the hospital. In a world filled with uncertainty, the little community’s positive activism is a big deal. Not so much for Nelson. As she told CNN, in Igiugig, coming together is “kind of a normal deal”. 1. Why did Nelson hurry to the airport A. She was late for the flight. B. The plane was going to crash. C. She was to aid the 70 people. D. The runway lights might have gone wrong. 2. What’s Nelson’s plan to help the medevac A. To take over the urgent mission. B. To fix the lights along the runway. C. To drive the patient to Anchorage. D. To shine headlights on the runway. 3. How did Nelson’s neighbors respond to her plan A. They disapproved of it. B. They hesitated to react. C. They took immediate action. D. They put forward a better plan. 4. Why is positive activism “not so much” for Nelson A. Because she doesn’t care about it. B. Because she is uncertain about its value. C. Because she is not so positive about life. D. Because she thinks it is what villagers should do. 二、 In a remote mountainous region in Pakistan, a cable ca ... ...

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