

日期:2024-09-10 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:94次 大小:29978Byte 来源:二一课件通
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新蔡县第一高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期7月月考英语试卷 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、阅读理解 For many yeas, I wanted to be a music video director. After graduating from high school, I moved to LosAngeles. I earned a degree in video production there. Fortune smiled upon me as I quickly workedas a production helper. I was young and ambitious, doing my best in my dream work. One day, I worked as a volunteer at an award show. A production manager talked with me and said that I was going to be a “big fish” one day. I was praised, but frightened. I wasn’t sure whether I could bear the pressure of being a “big fish”. Nottoo long after the show, I was laid off from my position at the production company. I went back home to Florida to think about my next career move. In Florida, I found a job in a financial company. The pay was good, and the work was not difficult. But a few months later, my creative spirit sent an SOS to my brain. It reminded me that I wasn’t making the best use of my talents. I didn’t have the money to make another cross-country move back to Los Angeles, but I couldn’t wait to create something. I did some creative writing during my spare time. To motivate myself even further, I promised myself a children’s storybook. My goal didn’t end there, however. I also decided to get the book published. It was not easy, and I continued sending out my work for nearly four years. Finally my work attracted the interest of a publisher. When I held a copy of my beautiful children’s book in my hands, I felt really happy from the bottom of my heart. I may not have become a big fish, but I did achieve a goal. Success comes from efforts. When you have something to fight for, you’re not far from success. 1.The author went to Los Angeles to _____. A.find a high-paid job B.reach for her dream C.visit a famous film director D.take part in volunteer activities 2.What was the author’s reaction to the production manager’s comments on her A.Proud. B.Happy. C.Uncertain. D.Disappointed. 3.What does the author think of her job in Florida A.It lacks challenges. B.It requires a higher degree. C.It often takes up her free time. D.It can hardly support her family. 4.What can we infer about the author from Paragraph 4 A.She set herself to work on a new goal. B.She was moved by her children’s words. C.She was attracted by a picture storybook. D.She planned to leave for Los Angeles some day. 5.What does the author encourage us to do through this text A.To make a cross-country move. B.To break our old working habits. C.To try hard to improve our writing skills. D.To make every effort to achieve our goals. When does spring begin For some, it’s the second Sunday in March, when we turn our clocks forward by an hour in the United States. For others, it’s when they first realize they’ve finished dinner and it’s still light out. This year, impatient as ever for winter to end, I decided to skip my usual routine of calendar watching and ... ...

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