
人教版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 5 First Aid Reading and Thinking 教案(表格式)

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:38次 大小:337322Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Teaching Plan Topic: OB2 Unit5 First aid Reading and thinking Grade: Senior 2 Analyses of teaching materials 本课是人教版高中英语选择性必修二第五单元(Unit 5 First aid)中的读思 课(Reading and thinking)部分。该板块的活动主题是“学习烧/烫/灼伤的急 救措施”(Learn about first aid for burns)。该板块为学生呈现正确的急救方法, 以免他们在紧急关头想当然处理。该板块还引导学生分析造成烧/烫/灼伤的 原因,帮助学生避免此类事件的发生。 从文本结构和写作特征上看,该语篇为说明文,是医院宣传单上的一篇文 章,其目的是向人们宜传正确的烧/烫/灼伤急救方法。说明文目的明确,科 学性和客观性较强,且条理清楚、逻辑严谨。该语篇按照事理逻辑次序安 排信息,通过小标题清晰呈现各部分内容,准确描述烧/烫/灼伤的原因、类 型、特征以及急救措施。 Analysis of Students 通过高中阶段的英语学习,学生本应掌握一些基本的英语知识且能表达自 己的观点。但,笔者的学生单词量极度缺乏且理解文章的能力欠缺,甚至 一些同学根本看不懂文章,完全不能理解文章。所以,一方面,笔者注重 培养学生课前预习习惯和指导学生课前预习方法,另一方面,抓住课堂传 授给学生科学的学习方法和阅读技巧。 Teaching Objectives After learning this lesson,students are expected to: 1.Students can understand the steps of first aid treatment and can give first aid treatment when facing burns in real life; 2.Students are able to use some simple words and sentences to describe the basic knowledge of first aid for burns; 3.Students are able to realize the importance of first aid and help people in need. Important &Difficult Points: Important Points: 1.Improve the students’reading ability; 2.Help to know the first aid treatment forburns correctly. Difficult Points: 1.Students are able to grasp the effective information from the passage by different reading skills; 2.Students are able to use the steps of first aid treatment for burns in reality correctly. Teaching Method Task-based Teaching Methods Teaching aids: Multi-media,blackboard Type Reading and Thinking Period: 40mins Teaching Procedures Steps Activities Justification Lead in ( Greeting and leading in Nords chemicals electricity fabric acid hot liquids steaj radiation ) This lesson will introduce a new lesson from the connection between vocabulary and pictures,attract students'attention through images, further deepen their impression of vocabulary,and pave the way for the following reading of the text. Skimming and thinking 1.What's the main idea of the text A.It's about the types of burns. B.It's about the symptoms of burns. C.It's about the burns and the first-aid treatment. D.It's about the treatment of burns. 2.Match each paragraph with its main idea. Para.1 A.First aid treatment Para.2 B.Characteristics of burns Para.3 C.Causes of burns Para.4 D.Types of burns Para.5 E.The functions of the skin 3.Tick its text type from the list below. advertisement blog post hospital leaflet email newspaper article short story In this part,the teacher guides the students to read the text quickly and grasp the general idea of the text and each paragraph by observing the text illustrations and text titles a ... ...

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