
人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures ReadingforWriting教学设计(表格式)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:63次 大小:1267020Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教学设计 授课教师 学科 英语 课题 Unit2 Bridging Cultures 教法 Task-based method & Cooperative method 教具 Projector& Blackboard 课型 Reading for Writing 课时 第二课时 授课班级 授课时间 Core literacy Language Capacity:Get students to read for the text type, analyse the structures.Guide students to write an argumentative letter to express their own opinions on studying abroad using the connectors. Learning Ability:Help students read two argumentative letters to summarize each writers'standpoint and reasons for studying abroad. Cultural Awareness:Enable students to think of further study from a global perspective,enhance cultural confidence and promote cultural communication. Thinking Quality:Guide students to think in an independent and open way and enhance logical and dialectical thinking ability. Important points 1.Lead students to obtain and clarify the views of the two parents in the passage. 2.Guide students to write an argumentative letter to express their own opinions on studying abroad. Difficult point Enable students to write an argumentative letter to express the opinions about studying abroad using connectors. 高考考点及 表现形式 Writing 教学环节 主要内容、过程与方法 设计意图 Stepl Lead-in (3') 1.Enjoy a video about studying abroad. And analyse the advantages of studying abroad. 2.As we know,every coin has two sides, There are many advantages of studying abroad,so studying abroad must also have some disadvantages. 老师与学生分享 出国留学的视频,介 绍出国留学带来的优 势,并和同学们一起 分析任何事物都有两 面性,出国留学必然 也存在弊端,进而引 出语篇主题,激发学 生学习兴趣。 1 Step2 Learning objectives (1') In this class,you will be able to: 1.read for the text type,analyse the structure and use the connectors. 2.summarize each writer's standpoint and reasons for studying abroad. 3.write an argumentative letter to express your opinions on studying abroad. 讲 读 学 习 目 标,让学生明确本 节课的学习任务。 Step3 Reading and thinking (20') Activity1.Read for the text type Read the passage quickly and answer four questions. Q1:Where are the two passages from Q2:Who are the writers Q3:What topic are they talking about Q4:What is the text type of the two letters Activity2.Read for the content ( (1\Dand for tho moin nainta ond cinnortino Letter from Wan Letter fr omZhang Yi mother oft Opinions about (fa ther of one boy) studying abroad 1ain poinS edisaa 2701g pe ) (2)Read for useful expressions What useful expressions can you collect from Useful phrases Useful sentence structures 济压力eat conomicpresure(经·Another important factor to ( cost an arm anda le g cost a large amount of money suffer from culture shock (文化 冲击) )consider is... ·A final point to consider is that... ·One cannot deny the fact ·encounter problems with safety that... 视a global perspectice(全球 ·understand cultural diversity( 文 化多样性) (3)Brainstorming and sharing What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad Make a list of the advantages and disadvan ... ...

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